Mona had Gary choose this word perhaps because he makes such beautiful, unique teapots, mugs and various other pottery. You just gotta check out his sight!
Mine is a little random today...the old Stream-of Consciousness I love so much! Always seems to give rise to a fractionalized poem, which might be called a Fragile poem without the magazine cut-out phrases.
Much Ado About Tea!
have a cuppa dear
in my fancy bone china cups
almost transparent
Spode, Royal Albert and Doulton
made in England
or Bridal Rose from Poland
and if you're lucky
Occupied Japan
embossed on the bottom
some hand painted French Limoge
delicate cups stand tall
on gold pedestal legs
a lovely flowered demi-tasse
and even smaller -
a child's pink
doll size tea set
she tells us to choose
but grandma
we both want the one
with the solid daisy handle!
we take turns
as we enjoy
using the family sterling silver tea service
and feel like rich princesses
as we daintily take out sugar cubes
with the etched silver tongs...
grandma has collected
the whole set of mini figurines
and all the bird cards
from Red Rose -
we share those too
and years later
we shall think of her
as we enjoy tea
in her fancy cups
and savour her
renowned butterscotch squares
neatly arranged
on her 3-tiered flowered plate
I do have many of my grandma's tea cups and I have a huge collection of tea cups with the solid flowers or butterflies for handles. They are very rare and most are expensive, but I just love them!
Labels: Grandma, Poetry, Tea, Teacups