Me, spilling out all my thoughts, inner and outer, on just about anything! Lots of poetry, short stories from past experiences, anecdotes about teaching elementary school, music, relationships....garage sale type thing...Something For Everyone!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More Thought-Provoking Blogs

I was only supposed to note 5 but I usually do my own thing with these memes and end up tailoring it to suit me! Besides, Abigail, at Just Another Quick Question, also listed me at the same time as Rapunzel did so I figure it's almost legit! I'm more or less going down my sidebar here.

Beth, at Sheepshead And Other Stories, documents her life as a great team leader in a banking career, her friends and family, and an interesting lost love of her youth - a continuing saga. She can do amazing things with her camera! She could write a brochure on tips for job interviews!

Colleen, at Loose Leaf Notes, can write about anything! Colleen often writes a lot about the culturally hip small town of Floyd, where a myriad of cool events take place such as poetry readings, meet the author and musical happenings. She always posts pictures, often with a clever line of poetry to go with each one. Colleen has published a book as well. What a full life this gal has! I love to just catch a slice!

At Meno's, we see a ton of visitors and it's easy to see why. She writes about so many topics that especially concern women, but we also see many men giving their views which is very interesting. Often, she deals with topics that we have all thought about but have never seen brought up in a public forum. Meno just seems so like all of us that we easily identify with her writing. Somehow, she keeps up with all the individual replies! It opens my mind just to read all the comments.

Steve, at BULLET HOLES IN THE MAILBOX, is just hilarious! Sometimes, he is just off the wall which I find refreshing. He's had a very interesting life and tells stories of his early days as a chef, his childhood and parents, and the challenges of parenting older teenagers. Steve quotes many song lyrics and relates a lot of historical events. I love reading his comments! Steve is a unique combination of silly, light exterior and a sensitive inner self.

You might know Annelisa, at Words That Flow, as the gal who shaved off 2 1/2 feet of her gorgeous hair, raising a ton of money for cancer in honour of her best friend, who is still struggling with this terrible disease. She writes scads of poetry, a great mixture of serious adult and zany, silly children's material. Her pictures of skies and sunsets are beautiful! Annelisa is also the one who filmed and posted the video and my song on You Tube and my blog! She's so vibrant and upbeat!

At Red Dirt Poetry, Red Dirt Girl treats us to some insightful and succinct poetry that is full of metaphors of life. It's always challenging for me to try to figure out what the heck she could mean at all the different levels of depth! The pictures she posts with all she writes go perfectly as if they were painted specifically for her words. Recently, she is offering some of her favourite poems and thoughts about poetry in general. Your brain is definitely spurred into action here!

That's all I'll do today before I lose this delectable temptation to The Blogger's Breakfast again! I'll post some of the more recent blogs I've been reading another day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too enjoy my morning coffee as I visit my friends in the blogosphere. Thanks for the wonderful links. Some I know but others I do not... that is until today. :-)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi MoI girlfriend!

Awe didn't have to go and do that....but I certainly am happy and honored that you did!!

You know, you always make me smile....I love your spirit and whenever I feel down, need a lift or just a slice of hope.....I come to you....thanks for being such a good friend!! Oh and you are amazingly talented as well - don't downplay you poet, writer, songwriter extraordinaire, and singing talent.....just to name a few....!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger GEWELS said...

looking forward to checking out some of the ones I don't know.
I agree with you on Steve's blog- he is a freakin' riot!!!!!

And don't forget the SHOES at Red dirt Girl's sight. Her poetry is amazing and thought-provoking and her shoes, well, the shoes....

Thanks for sharing your list.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger Old Lady said...

All excellent choices!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger bulletholes said...

Hilarious????Which part?
Thanks MOM, you are the sweetest spot in the whole blogsphere thing...I may have to check some of your recommendations ; I seem to have more time these days to blog around. Can I say that?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Colleen: You're welcome! I met you through Michelle's weekend game and your writing about CFS and Fibro caught my eye.

RDG:I'm glad you're honoured! And thanks for your compliments. Always happy to give you a lift or slice of hope! Always amazes me that you get all that from what just spills out of my mouth! Well, sometimes I'm funny!

Gewels: And Steve doesn't know he's a riot?!!! I laugh almost each time I visit there.

And I saw the cool shoes RDG did just for you!

Old Lady: Yes, and you should see the first few I posted! HA! You are indeed one of the Oldies but Goodies!

Steve: Almost all of it! I like your style! You sometimes sound like a big kid and that's refreshing for sure. Blog around? I think you just said it!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger meno said...

I appreciate the mention. I too would have a hard time sticking with only five. But i never liked rules anyway. :) I will look at some of your suggestions. There is lots of good stuff out there.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger fennymun said...

thank you for sharing, there are really many interesting and unique blogs plus some with beautiful photos as well.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Meno: Yeah, I sidestep the confines of rules too! You could read blogs all day and night.

Fennymun: There's a ton of amazing blogs!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blogger TorAa said...

This comment is just - ow your song again, put's me into a dream - to say excuse me for beeing away for a week or so (job-job-job).
hope to be back with serious comments in a while;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blogger Annelisa said...

Ooo, that was a nice surprise, MOI - I didn't expect that!! What lovely things you do say! That's cheered me up, because my brain has done a nose-dive into a barrel of tar, and nothing that isn't sticky and icky is coming out at the moment (overdrive having gone into reverse, and gone over the cliffs backwards)...

So, to be put amonst 'thinking blogs' has put a smile on my face - thank you!

I'll check out some of the other blogs you mention when I've finished my present catastrophic enterprise :-)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blogger Annelisa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'll have to check out some of the other blogs you mention.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blogger brooksba said...

Thank you for the kind words! I am really going to have to check out some of the other sites you've listed. (Sorry I've been gone for so long.)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Toraa: Thanks for coming back and lovin' that song!

Annelisa: You are most welcome! Hey, does that mean you can do a back dive into the water?!!!
Keep on typing!

Colleen: So welcome...I love your blog! I learn a lot from it.

Brooksba: You're welcome! You're a busy gal! It's nice to get your slice of life since it is different from mine, but similar in want ways too.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


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