Winter Seems to Be Here!
We've had our first snow and my husband has already been cross-country skiing 4 I guess that means winter has arrived!! BRRR! This morning it's -17C with the wind chill! Yes, now we talk about temperatures in wind chill terms...another sign that the season has turned over from fall to winter. Christmas lights are up outside and a few of our halls are decked. It's definitely coming soon. Shopping is almost done!! Office brunch is happening this Sunday. My 2 choir concerts are also here! Time is clipping along and I'm trying not to get stressed. How about you?
This frigid day calls for chile!

Labels: Winter '09
-17 C ????? I thought it was cold here at 3.4C!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Delightful winter wonderland (virtually from a distance)! In California we shiver when it's in the mid 40s ... seriously ;-)
Nice to see you're still out there blogging. I loved listening to you sing again and wish I had time to open my 'reader' more often. The chili looks DELICIOUS! Hope all's well with you and yours.
Hugs and blessings,
Friday, December 11, 2009
It snowed last night in Madrid. Well, more like a dusting.
Currently it is 1C with some northerly wind making it feel like -4C.
Last night, they were salting the roads. I thought it a bit odd since the temperature was around10C.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I am anxiously awaiting my first snowball; but nary a flake is falling yet.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I envy you - but then again, I'm Norwegian :-)
We have just an inch of so, so we have to go up in the mountains to go skiing.
-6C here tonight and more snow on the way. There is hope for a White Christmas in Oslo :-)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
You have much more snow than we do and ours is frozen solid - I'll be by for a bowl of that chili!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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