The Summer That Isn't!

I wish I could say that this has been a typical hot, sunny summer but it clearly isn't the case. I'm afraid the pattern has already been set and we can't seem to shake it. Every morning, I eagerly anticipate looking at the two week forecast, hoping for a different story but my session always ends in disappointment.
I am going to my sister's cottage this Sat. for a few days but I am probably not going to brave the colder than usual water; I am a self-confessed wimp when it comes to that!
Well, we can always go canoeing and furtively chase the loons with my camera. I wait all year to hear their lovely laughter and mournful cries. This is the best place to hear them any time of the day or night. I am really looking forward to that! The picture here is the best one yet and I rather doubt I will top that but it is always fun to try.
Maybe I will get a close-up of a blue heron as well.
My sisters and I will have a great time in spite of the weather and we always manage to keep up non-stop conversation. We can actually be quite hilarious at times! The little town is full of cool shops with interesting things, typical of a cottage area. Something to do on a rainy day! The meals will be splendid too and hopwfully, we can eat out on the deck.
I'm getting excited! Hope everyone else is having a great summer and please....send any hot sunny weather to us!
I hope the weather is kind to you when you go away. I finish work on the 17th for 7 weeks (school holidays) and am praying for good weather as we are not going abroad this year. Fingers crossed eh? :)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
I would be more than happy to send you some of our dry Texas heat! I think this week has topped out at 109! I went for a swim yesterday and was surprised to find that the water was just as warm as the air. Not at all the relief we expected to find in the pool! have lots of fun on your trip!
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Yea, I've hear that you haven't got that good weather over there and you've red that we've had the most wonderful, sunny and warm weather her in Norway.
Has it changed now? Because someone has switch of the heather here in Scandinavia :lol:
I wish you a wonderful trip to the cottage. You know I love that kind of wild life and hope you'll have some great canoe trips too!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Do hope you are having a good time despite what the weather may bring. We had five weeks of rain but now have had four consecutive days of sun with a fifth on the way! Your photos are marvelous.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
While bobber fishing with minnows in Minnesota one summer, loons started diving after the bait -- never had seen that before. We had to pull up anchor and head home so as not to inadvertently catch a loon!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hope you had a nice WARM time at the cottage. It looks like a beautiful place.
This week it has finally gotten around to being the typical hot summer here in Maryland. Up until now it's been cooler and sunny - kind of like San Diego would be.
Miss you.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
You look so relaxed in that boat!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Oh my dear, it seems that you and we here in Norway have had mostly the same "The Summer That Was Not".
At least we had two weeks summer end of June/beginning of July.
After all, we did have a wonderful 6400 km on the Road visting Family and Friends in Southern Europe.
So far, no canoeing this Summer. GRRRR.
btw. Excuse me for not beeing a polite commenter in the past.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hello Ruth! Lovely set of pictures! I had two shares of summer. One when I was in the Philippines then two when I got back home in Norway. Now I am just ready to embrace fall and of course the lovely winter.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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