Same Old, Same Old!

Hey there!
Just thought I'd do a check-in after a long snowy winter! Man, am I glad we're officially into spring!
Well, it must be spring because my husband has hung up his skis after competing well in about five major ski races and the bike has been out a few times. We've had our first thunderstorm. All kinds of tulips and daffs are up, and our forsythia is out. I've been out on my upper deck already and we've had several barbecues and we have already been sleeping in the summer bedroom!
I have continued to sing in two choirs as well as do a Gr. 4 reading and writing program every Tues. morning. Swimming has become almost a daily routine at 9:00 a.m. and I feel fairly good. I may even try out my mountain bike to see if my one sore knee can take it. That would be such a bonus! (Now, if I can only avoid the swine flu!)
I am so enjoying the spring and looking forward to the summer.
So what have you all been doing?
Have a happy, hopeful spring!
Well you didn't let the grass grow while you've been away did you? LOL
Great to see you back m'dear. x
Thursday, April 30, 2009
MOI!! I've missed you!
Friday, May 01, 2009
MOI, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well and yes it was a long winter. Something about spring coming really makes a person feel so much better. It sounds like you have some lovely spring blooms and fun activities going on!
Friday, May 01, 2009
missed ya MOI!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Great to see you back in Blogsphere and thanks for keeping us posted!
I've hung up my skis too and the spring is in the air in Norway - your welcome over to check it out :-)
Saturday, May 02, 2009
It is good to see you hear again. I had thought about you just the other day. I'm glad you have spring...we're almost into summer.
Thanks for stopping by too.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Back from the long winters sleep I see. . . . Wake up, look alive, eyes forward . . . oops I am not still in the Army, thankfully! There is work to be done and words to be said; much to discuss and present here into spring. Slip on those old sandals and set out in search of that muse.
Welcome back
Monday, May 04, 2009
you look radiant, moi.
and it is a happy voice i'm hearing and a-missin' on these blogs.
but i can't be more thrilled for you.
i'm launching the big search this week.... light a candle for me.
i'm TERRIFIED !!!!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Glad to see that you're posting again! I've missed you.
Have a good weekend!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Well there you are- out of hibernation.
Missed you!!!!
Good luck with that knee- I'm suffering with a cranky knee right now too and BOY am I frustrated!
But, the flowers are blooming (glad to hear your are too). It'll be a good spring.
Don't be a stranger.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
I'm really happy you are back again after a looong winter.
Hope your swimming will make you better, it normally does, in order to walk and bike normally.
We have moved out to our Summerhome.
The Winter with lots of snow and frost, did damage the tap in the Kitchen, to our relief repaired yesterday. The stairs down to the lower house and restroom was also damage. We nearly repaired it all.
Cat's have a wonderful time and we use our platform as often as possible.
Life is wonderful.
To day we will celebrate one of my Sons 40 year. And my daughter is pregnant (her first).
Hope to see you soon back.
hugs from Norway
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Always lovely to see you MOI. Spring is bouncing in here too. Some days it feels like summer then there's a cold spell.
Sounds like you're busy. I have such a lot on I have to start the day much earlier than I would like, but I can't complain the days are empty :-)
((((hug hello again)))
Saturday, May 09, 2009
happy mother's day - a-merkan style!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A very happy spring to you!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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