Mooky Goes To The Dentist!

Yesterday, my 4 year-old cat, Mooky, had her 2 canine teeth plus 3 other teeth extracted. She apparently has bad gum disease and was in discomfort while eating. We'll never know whether this was really needed and just a money grab-scam by the vets, but I guess we have to trust the tune of $560.
She came home quite drowsy and later, wobbly on her feet. She also was leaking urine for awhile. The vet gave her a needle for anti-biotic that will last 2 weeks, plus a needle for pain. We have to continue giving her liquid oral pain meds for 4 days. Mooky has switched to soft food, needless to say!
Her usual habit of rubbing her cheeks on everything has been slightly curtailed...that is to say, she starts to do it and then quickly realizes that it hurts so stops....but then continues to do this over and over again ! Such is the way of strongly ingrained habits of animals!
Poor Mooks!
oh the poooor baby!!!! cousin Spike sends hogs and kisses!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Oh, poor kitty! My daughter adopted a cat from the Humane Society. He didn't eat well and stayed to himself. I said to her that he probably was getting used to her house. She finally took him to the vet, and his gums were a mess, as were his ears. Four hundred dollars later she has a healthy cat. He's lovely, but quite an expensive adoption.
I hope your kitty heals well.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Oh poor Mooky! Hope losing her teeth doesn't make life difficult for her. :(
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
That must be so painful for Mooky. Hope she gets back to her old self soon.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Ouch! Poor kitty ...
I hope she feels better soon and this makes life better in long run.
Hugs and blessings,
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Poor Mooky! I do hope the little darlin' starts to feel better soon.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Hope poor Mooky feels better soon.
If this is your long-time, trusted vet, I guess it was necessary. That is pricey, though. :(
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Get Mooky some baby ora-gel!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Poor baby, good to know you take so good care of the cat!
Wishing you a great weekend :-)
Friday, December 05, 2008
Moody Mooky. Hope she's purring again. Seems taking care of cats costs as much or more than for children.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
What will we not do for pets?
We had a barely alive black lab show up after the ice storm last winter (city folk drop off their dogs here in the country because they think we will take care of them; some of us will but I have a neighbor farmer who shoots them!). The vet visit produced a diagnosis of heartworms "which can be treated but if not treated will be deadly".
We had him treated: two doses of Arsenic IV three weeks apart and dog cannot be let loose to run for 8 weeks. So I walked guy twice a day for this time because he was averse to being tied to the deck and still pretty peppy.
$800 later we had a cured fixed dog with all his shots and a happy vet.
We wouldn't part with him as he is a gentle giant.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Poor baby. I hope she is feeling better now.
I must go hug my cat now.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hello friend, MoI !!
Steve of bulletholes fame - is in the hospital. Diagnosed with acute diabetes (apparently not noticed during the last 6 months or so).
If you get a chance, please stop by his blog and leave a well wish. And spread the word ...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Poor Mooky. I hope she is starting to feel better. I have heard of many cats that have dental hygiene issues. Most seem to do very well once the teeth are removed. From much of my readings it also seems that wet cat food is better in the long run for most felines.
Sending kitty kisses to Mooky... and good thoughts.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
You never know what the Vets are up to.
But, if Mooky had real pains, well, you might have done the right thing.
And know you can start producing a whole new series of Cat Food:
Mooky Soup
Monday, December 15, 2008
oh, poor kitty!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Aww poor Mooky! :( I hope she is feeling better now and not in pain any more. MOI, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and wishing that Mooky will be well soon too.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Big hugs to poor dear Mooky! Hope she's feeling better today.
Monday, December 22, 2008
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