I'd like to say thanks to all those who came to listen to my song, "From The Soul Within" and watch the wonderful video. I would never have done this without Annelisa's encouragement and most of all her technical knowledge! She has wonderful pictures on her blog! Check them out! Annelisa also has another blog that hosts her an amazing story and video about shaving 2 1/2 feet of her hair for Cancer!
I was really thrilled to have both song and video up on You-Tube and it's had about 740 hits!
Thanks again all the way from my house to yours!
Something really strange has happened to Old Blogger tonight...all of a sudden I can't make links work, half the top bar in Create Mode is gone so I can't centre poems, and when you upload pictures, they just appear in gobbly-gook computer language where it used to show actual pictures! Is this Blogger trying to take away my old familiar features until I give in and change to the New Blogger? If I change, do I lose anything in the Draft Mode? Will it show all the previous blogs? And how do I even get a Google account, let alone sign in with one? Oh woe is me!
Annelisa's blog is (Sorry AL!)