Taking A Break
I can't seem to find the time to get around and read all your blogs and I'm feeling guilty but at the same time, my interest is waning and I really need to spend more time doing other things. I do things ever so slowly with limited dexterity in my hands. I just got two huge shots of cortisone in my index and middle finger on Fri. and I still can hardly move them they are so painful and swollen. In a few weeks I get some in my right hand. I sure hope they work to alleviate the condition called, "trigger finger". I have had about forty shots in the last 20 years in various fingers and the period of time for which they remain effective has grown less and less.
You should see me trying to prepare meals and get dressed! I have to attempt all I do a few times before I'm even passably successful at it. It is very frustrating and I have to leave extra time for everything I do in life.
I may do a post periodically and even pay you the odd visit, but for the next while, however long that may be, I can no longer put the full effort into this blogging thing. I hate not being able to do your best so it is just easier to pull back for now. Visiting blogs has become at times, a little like a chore that I never get done well. As a teacher, I don't like this feeling! I like to have a list that I check off when the items are completed but with the many blogs I have come to visit, it has become almost impossible for me to keep up.
So I apologize to all of you. I mostly want to thank you for visiting, commenting, and supporting me and the life I lead. I will really miss your comments but it is not fair if one can't reciprocate as much.
Keep up the great blogging spirit!