This is an ode to the yearly Tim Horton's Coffee roll-up-the -rim-to-win contest written about a day a few years back that still haunts me!
Haunted By Horton's!
The Unrolled Rim!
I am obsessed by this! I can’t stop thinking about it! I am in the re-training process of Roll up the Rim to Win and sadly, I have forgotten to play the game once already. (And everyone knows you can’t win if you don’t play!)
The image of that empty cup with its rim still intact, sitting at the top of that small wastebasket in the hallway at school is indelibly etched in my mind. Unthinkingly, amidst the excitement of the last day before March Break, I tossed a winner - and you’ll never convince me otherwise. In my mind, it is the car for certain, well okay, maybe a bike. No lousy biscuit to be sure!
Let’s face it – usually your efforts rolling up the rim (inevitably by your teeth) are rewarded with that annoying, "Re-essayer S.V.P." for which the English translation is (and I’ve even got my Gr. 13 French!) "You Are A Loser!" This is not a good way to start your day and does nada for your self-esteem!
I will no doubt have to succumb to the irresistible urge to peer into that same wastebasket as I pass it in the hallway on the way into my room on Monday. And by the way, if you see our custodian driving a fabulous brand new car into our parking lot, you’ll know she unrolled the Grande "Gagner L’auto Magnifique!" on MY cup!
Mother of Invention, still getting nauseous every time I think about it!!!
I've never heard of that before!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I've never heard of it either. I was wondering what a person does to roll up the rim? :p
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
comment allez vouz?
Tiens, tiens, I do think French is even more difficult for Norwegians than Anglo-Canadiens.
In your profession, I'm sure you are aware of how many words in the English vocabolarity that orgins from French and Latin?
(Sorry again for my English - but I do believe you see my piont)
Sorry for my "absence" lately. I did post about it TORsday evening.
btw. It's a great challenge strating a new job position my age
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Believe me, I did also read it the right way: Do it again (you stupid kid).
Great and worth to read post
Sunday, April 27, 2008
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