Floor and Kitchen Reno
***I just added today's updates with the floors.
The denim blue island....well, technically, it's a peninsula!

Good-bye to the old counter! We actually kept the old stainless steel sink because the builder said it's a better one than they make these days.

See what the scraped and verethaned old pine cupboards will look like!!

This is the living room with just one coat of straw paint and the oak floors all sanded, awaiting stain. I love the pocket oak glass doors! (That sander is darn noisy and has scared my cats away!)

This is looking towards the new room with an old pocket door we had. We decided to hinge it instead so you can see it open or closed. It swings from left to right. The old pump organ is going beside it to the left.
The after! Beauty job on the original oak.

HA! Below, is the very old maple kitchen floor. Man, does the floor guy have his work cut out for him! There is not much left of this floor to sand and there is even a spot where one nail shows. He is scraping a lot of it by hand. Then, we are mixing the stain (Early Puritan Pine) with the verethane to help cover the absorption problem.
The after! Lots of character where the flaws couldn't be sanded down any further!

Good-bye to the 28 year-old Admiral stove!! The 70's Almond Vintage so nicely adorned with the 1970 carpet! If you want it, ya gotta clean it! SEARS is taking it away for $15 when they deliver our new black smooth top.
Labels: Kitchen and living room floor
Send me a plane ticket and I'll get that stove out of your way!
House looks great...wheres Mookie?
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Wow … looks like things are coming together finally. Some things ARE worth waiting for ya know ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
woo hoo renovations to the top... how wonderful. I understand the feeling of wondering if it will ever be done though. It's tough while the work is going but worth it in the end. Love the stove out in the snow hehehe wish I could throw mine out with it, and the floor...to die for! Love hardwood floors we have them too, of course! My youngest son has allergies so we no longer have any carpeting, just area rugs. So easy to clean!! Good luck with your updates!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
MOI- everything looks great! Love the floors- flaws and all. The doors are way special too.
Haven't heard from RDG- I sent her a card (thinking of you kind) last week but haven't heard anything AT ALL!
Can't wait to take care of Jake. He is one sweet dog. We will definitely have doggy camp as I will have 5 dogs here one week this May (everybody's going to Europe for some reason)
Been so crazy busy that I haven't had the energy to blog. And really nothing much to say either. Maybe I'll post about my horse competition. I even placed a few times.
Can't believe you still have all that snow there. Spring will be here soon.
Miss You! Gewels
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Steve:Too bad we paid SEARS to take it already and our dishwasher too. Mookie and Socks get freaked out daily by what loud noises are coming out of our downstairs rooms! They hide all day!
Storyteller: In the final few weeks of inside work and then...back to the outside for bricks and porches etc.
DianeCA: This reno's been a long haul but we're nearing the end. I love lots of natural wood and it's going to look like its original 1920 version!
Gewells: Hey, thanks! Nice to see you here. I kinda lost my motivation and really cut back blogging and visiting. I just need to keep up with other things I really should be doing to be a rounded person.
Hope RDG is okay. She's probably crazy busy. She's a survivor.
You sound like you could be posting about "Pooch Camp" with some neat pics!! And I want to see your horse pics! Way to go!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
It looks absulutely fantastic. You'll just get it done and then you can head outside for the summer. But next autumn and winter you'll be luxuriating in it.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Wow, it's starting to look really stunning - all that wonderful wood is just so beautiful. Mind you, if you started in September and it's still not finished, I think I'd be having a bit of sense of humour failure by now! Good luck with the rest of it and enjoy it!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I lovelovelove those doors! And the floors. And the coffee cups.
But not the almond stove.
Gads. 6 months, already. Your poor sanity.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Yay! Everything is beautiful! I guess your hiatus from Blogging didn't last long.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
MOI, you're going to have a dream kitchen, it's looking wonderful...ah that wood floor is gorgeous! We have 2 things in common in our kitchens. We recently purchased a black smooth top (ceramic) stove and our kitchen sink is made of stainless steel also. Our old stove was hardly working before we got the new one and I love the smooth cooking top. Just don't buy frying pans with ridges on the bottom. I bought some and after getting them home, the tag said not to use on smooth top stoves. Love your new kitchen!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I really like the floor in your kitchen and I wished you can show us a before and after photos.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Oh those doors are just gorgeous, I love them!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I love everything you're doing! I love your floors. I'm thinking about putting wood down in my hallway, kitchen, and family room.
Yes, my refrigerator is almond. Everything else is bisque. But she works. so I think I'll put off changing it for a while.
Great work, but I know you'll be glad when it's done.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
oh but it will be worth every minute when you are finally using those rooms! It's been fun watching it all unfold! Love the denim blue countertop.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I love "technically it's a peninsula."
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
You know how I love these reno photographs!
I'm in deep, intense like with those pocket doors. I am such a fan of those. It's a functionality that I wish were built into newer houses.
They look just as pretty as hinged doors too.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
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