No Huge Updates
Thanks for all your visits and hope you're all faring well.
Here I am at my choir's end of the year pot luck. I've been eating far too much at all the lunch, coffee, and dinner get-togethers I've been having. Bad news because I still can't exercise by walking or biking due to painful knees. This is really trying my patience. I am still attempting to swim, using mostly arms, every week day.

The new room has a cottage-lodge feel to it so people tell us.

Looking back from the windows to the other side of the room and looking into the dining room. I just love the brick!
And now we get to look out at all this!
We resurrected the old pillar and cement slabs to keep the old look. This is what the original front entrance looked like before we made it my husband's office.
We still need to grow grass and do some landscaping. AND..we're building a deck on the roof of the addition!! You'll get to it through the summer bedroom balcony door! Can't wait to have coffee up there!
But what a change in nine months!
It all looks just AMAZING! You've got to say that it was worth every bit of dust and mayhem.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Congratulations! It looks fabulous.
And I love the garden view!
Allot of work- but boy was it worth it, huh?
BTW- You also look fabulous! Hoping the knee cooperates for you.
Happy 28th! Ours was this year too :)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I'm so glad to hear from you through your post. Isn't it great to have friends in! Your house looks wonderful. I would think that all those months of work were surely worth it.
I do hope you get some relief from your pain soon. Take care.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
It all looks fabulous, and so does your Dad for 89!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
so glad to see beautiful you, and look at the changes around your house!!!!!!!!
your knees, oh goodness, what can you do?
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
It looks absolutely beautiful. A very warm feeling. And your Dad looks a lot younger than his years. Happy anniversary!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
MOI, your house looks so fantastic and woo I'm so happy that the renovations are done and you guys can relax and enjoy it now! I bet Mookie is glad too, LOL. It has a beautiful and warm look and all that sunshine streaming inside is lovely! Also, happy anniversary to you and your husband and your Dad looks much, much younger than 89!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I heard there was an "odd post " up over here so...HERE I AM!
I'm an ODD POSTER too these days....
Man, the 'ol crib looks great, Ma, a real Dreamhouse!
Throw a little Catnip Mookies way for me will ya?
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Hey, my eyechart letters were
so i guess i win right?
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
It’s good to read an update. For some reason I can’t see the photos and I’m not sure what’s wrong. Maybe I’ll check back later and see if it straightens itself out.
Hugs and blessings,
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
It's all so beautiful - both the addition AND the view! Well done!
Hope the knees improve. You look great despite the abundance of food and the lack of walking...
Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This morning I see all the photos here just fine ... and everything looks lovely! I'm sure you're relieved to have the work essentially finished. How fun to be entertaining ... sharing with friends and family. Sorry your knees are still causing problems for you and hope that eases.
Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections. I left a response there explaining that my inability to see photos here extended to my own blog (for about an hour or so) but cleared up as mysteriously as it occurred. It all seems like a very strange turn of events actually. Yes, I've been busy, but now that I've got this new machine ... many 'blogging' challenges have been resolved, so I hope I'll be able to keep on top of things from now on.
Enjoy all the new surroundings and Happy Anniversary ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It looks like you have a new home, very impressing what you have mangaged to do. Practical, romantic and pleasant. Would have liked to visit.
Hope you will have a great weekend with your family - and family does matter - yeah.
It seems your father and my mother is born in the same year: 1919.
Wow - times goes by - faster and faster.
Will you go canoing this year?
We will bring our Canoe when we visit Renny and Diane from July 23 to 26/27.
Just before I leave for Michigan. On July 31. I stay around until August 11.
here we had another typical Norwegian Summerday. Sunny and 24 C in the shadow. We did Gardening in portions.1 liter of Rasberries picked and frozen for the Winter.
Rest we did eat. We need to pick another liter tomorrow.
I did trim my "Wineyard" also today. Can't let them grow wild.
Yeah, it was really a Gardening Day.
In some minutes we will have dinner - Fish fillets with herbs from the garden.
los Vikingos
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PS. Your Knees. My x-wife did have the same problems. But after operated she can walk and act normally again. Important, as she works in a Kindergarden.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What a wonderful post and a great update - thanks for sharing all those lovely pictures.
I wish you the greatest trip at your log cabin and you really deserve some relaxing and nice time. You know we are two of a kind treasuring that kind of surroundings.
And of course - since this is the 12th of July: Happy Wedding Anniversary, all the way from Norway :-)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The houe looks really great!! Shaping up nicely after 9 months! Swimming is good exercise too, don't worry about eating so much in the summer, life is for living not for worrying. Happy Anniversary!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Why, you can't tell you've been eating too much at getogethers. You still have your girlish figure.
Love how the house is shaping up. And that garden is really pretty.
Hope the knees get better!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Beautiful photos! And happy anniversary!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hey, Mother. I'm glad I stopped by just in time for the house-warming and other celebrations. Great pics and lots going on for you. And you said, "No Huge Updates"
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hi MOI. What a wonderful summer time you must be having...and at your newly renovated home! Great updates. C U.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wow.. your renovation is so beautiful. It all looks so warm and inviting.
I am glad to hear you are doing well but so sorry that your knees continue to be troublesome. Swimming is one of the best exercises for those of us with joint problems. And I think you look terrific.
So happy to hear from you.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
are you canoing in the beautiful wilderness?
Missing your posts.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You look happy and the scenes look so welcoming. Summer is sailing along!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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