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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Trip Memories I Cherish All Year!

My husband makes the best blueberry pancakes ever on the wood stove in the cook camp which is pictured below that. This "kitchen" has propane lights, two fridges and a new stove. I can just smell the fresh perked coffee and I'm still thinking about the pancakes!
The next shot is of the screened off porch of the sleep camp overlooking the lake on the top of a big hill. The log building below that is for storage. You can see the that behind the cook camp, we have a water tank which gets water pumped up from the lake and with a propane hot water tank, we still have the conveniences of a home kitchen.
Next, my husband is shown here taking our canoe down to the water. He's an avid canoeist and has done many white water trips, although not with this wooden one!
The last shot is of the sun streaming through the forest on the leased property.
I love the simplicity of this place and wish I could somehow siphon a little to infuse into my daily life. I guess that's why we take pictures. In the dead of the blustery winter or during some hectic times throughout the year, I shall let my mind sink into the scenery of these images and hopefully, drink in the peacefulness as the feelings of craziness, desolation, or drudgery dissipate.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really like the music...and the pictures are wonderful! Have a great day...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the screened in porch looking over the water. Such peace.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blogger meno said...

Oh that looks wonderful, but now i want a pancake.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blogger GrizzBabe said...

I was afraid you were gonna say that storage building was an outhouse!

The cabin looks SO cozy. It would be a great place for a honeymoon. Or maybe a second honeymoon?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blogger Cup said...

Heaven. Jealous here in the city.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blogger GEWELS said...

HAHA! I, too, thought it was an outhouse- at first. I think I might have to draw the line there.

This place looks wonderful, and very peaceful. We used to spend a few summers in just such a place in Maine (when the boys were little). I must go back soon.

Nice memories.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blogger Michele said...

How lovely and peaceful! I am green with envy.



Friday, August 31, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a story and pics just taken out of a typical Norwegian cottage. I just love the nature and natrual life in this you know.

My wife was in the same cottage this summer as she posted about last year. I hope she have the story ready soon.

Wishing you a lovely end to your week:-)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blogger twilite said...

Hi moi. Yum-yum I love fresh blueberry pancakes!

What a wonderful time you had...indeed great memories that last...forever!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Donna: Thanks and foir the visit too!

Coll: I love it too and really want one for ur own back yard.

Meno: Me too! I've been thinkin' abou them ever since!

Grizz: The outhouse now is pretty new, clean and painted bright yellow!

Yes, it can be a very romantic place with a fire burning and candles lit.

Beth:Glad to share a little bit of heaven! Even our small town seems like a city compared to this.

Gewels: This place actually has an indoor bathroom with PINK fixtures! A MAN'S Fishing camp?!!!

Rapunzel: It is so speciual!

Renny: Thanks. We do have some similar experiences. I'll have to watch for her post!

Twilite: They do and will to be sure! It is a real contrast to where you live. Me too!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blogger Diana said...

Looks completely glorious! How fabulous for the soul.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blogger Ingrid said...

What a lovely holiday place ! Makes me jalous, lol ! and then pancakes !! with blueberries !! My mouth is watering ! I ate pancakes for the first time in 1971 when I visited my aunt in the States and each time I went there I made a pancake cure ! We also have pancakes here but they are made in another way.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogger Annelisa said...

Lovely...just lovely!

When I come over for pea and ham soup, do you think Dave might make his blueberry pancakes for desert?? They look yummy :-p [that's me licking my lips, by the way :-) ]

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Diana: It is replenishing.

Gattina: It is simple and lovely. Are your pancakes like the Finnish pancakes? They put some kind of fruit syrup, not maple.

Annelisa: Sure! I've been begging for them but maybe if you're here he'll make them!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogger Barbara said...

This looks like a little piece of heaven. I could surely go for one of those gigantic blueberry pancakes. Welcome back to reality until you go there again!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blogger mystic rose said...

Indeed, this place is simple! Its wonderful ot be able to get away like this, and there are places like this that make it so convenient, we've ahd many outing like that ourselves, up in california/oregon and here in the poconos.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Barbara: Thanks! I think of this heaven often and the ease of mind that comes with it. You just can't duplicate that pancake here!

Mystic: I'm glad you have a place like that too! Simple is good for the body and soul!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


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