Potato Festival!

We live in a town of about 7,000, surrounded by the best sandy soil in the heart of Potato Country! This weekend is our annual Potato Festival.
Last night was the kick-off Potato Festival Parade which I love because we see so many people we know come out of the woodwork since the last year. You can just walk down the middle of the main street, watch the many and varied events and talk to people.
Everyone gathers at our house and we put out all the chairs we have, offer coffee, drinks, and dogs and burgs. All my husband's former and present receptionists and massage therapists come to this annual reunion. They all have keys so there's a steady flow into the office washroom. It is neat that so many great people are connected through his little small town practice. We actually get to be seen together which really doesn't happen much so I like that.
The parade goes for at least an hour and many clubs, businesses and groups enter their floats. It is a laugh to see and recognise characters around town dressed up and having such fun. Having taught here for 26 years, I also see many former students which is always a thrill for me.
The parade goes for at least an hour and many clubs, businesses and groups enter their floats. It is a laugh to see and recognise characters around town dressed up and having such fun. Having taught here for 26 years, I also see many former students which is always a thrill for me.
After the last float, (inevitably the huge potato diggers) goes by, everybody just literally spills out into the street after the parade and start partying. Many, (not us!) are drinking beer in coffee cups and eating these great French Fries with the skins on (well, it IS Potato Fest so even we shared some last night!) and generally just schmooze. Lots of music, cafes and food happening!
We talked to many local teachers, students and many patients of my husband's.
Today are the pancake breakfast at a church, the main street store sales, street painting, many garage and craft sales, singers outside the coffeehouse as well as the fairgrounds with the rides and games. On Sunday, you will hear the beautiful music of several outdoor church services which I love.
Today are the pancake breakfast at a church, the main street store sales, street painting, many garage and craft sales, singers outside the coffeehouse as well as the fairgrounds with the rides and games. On Sunday, you will hear the beautiful music of several outdoor church services which I love.
It is absolutely perfect weather this weekend.
I think our town puts on a wonderful display for this event from beginning to end, after which the farmers take their potato diggers back to their farms and get back to the business of harvesting this year's successful crop!
Labels: Old Friends, Parades, Potato Festival
What a lovely idea to have a Potato Festival and how well you have documented the day with all this lovely post!
How lovely to hear that you met so many local friends too - sounds like you had a blast!
Wishing you a lovely weekend:-)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Potato Festival.
That has a lovely ring to it. Were there potato T-shirts? And if so, did you get one?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
New and Sweet!
Peanuts are little potatoes...
surely ya'll have Potato Pancakes at the Pancake Breakfast.
Homemade Vodka?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hi moi! Thank you so much for the post and for those good pictures of the Potato Festival.
I love potatoes...whatever ways of cooking that...yum-yum!
I sure need to visit you there one day!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thanks for sharing M.O.I. and the potato festival looks like so much fun! I love potatoes and even like pieces of them raw with salt, they're crispy and juicy, yum!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
a potato festival sounds fun... potatoes are yummy haha
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Renny: We did have a great time, thanks. The idea suits this area that is known for potatoes.
Meno: Been there (here!), done that, got the T-shirt!
Steve: Are you sending this from your fishing boat?!! We surely did have spud pancakes and doncha know the special at the local bakery was pototato bread?!!!
Pay attention, you've got a big one trailing your lure!!
Twilite: You're welcome and come any time! I love baked with all the fixings!
Lynette: Thanks. I've never heard of anyone eating them raw!! (Turnip, yes)
Celestine: Yep, they are..the fries have to be done right, though....skins on!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I do hope the pancake breakfast featured potato pancakes?!
Too fun. There is no bad to be had when a potato is present.
Or something.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Ah ! you are back ! I've checked several times to see if you were back from your break and then I went on holidays ! This potatoe feast looks very nice and it's certainly funny to meet a lot of people.
The house you see on my blog is not my summer house but the house of my english friend ! I spent a week with them in the UK and it was very very nice !
Monday, August 13, 2007
I have never heard of a potato festival, what fun!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Never thought there was a potato festival in Ontario. PEI, sure. Ontario, nah. Now I know something I didn't.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Jocelyn: Potato pancakes definitely! Yes, it was a local colour event to be sure! Lots of "fat fries" consumed this weekend! What are the chances that they used "good" kind of oil?!!
Don't they grow potatoes where you live?
Gattina: You can't help but take part in this festival when you live on the main street of a small town.
Rapunzel: Everyone has to have their claim to fame! Potatoes it is for our little town in the centre of an agricultural district.
Richard: We actually have a lot of Dutch families who have grown potatoes for "seed" (replanting) and chips/instant potatoes for generations in the perfect sandy soil. Sherriff, Humpy Dumpty, frito Lay, and Hostess trucks are seen around here a lot!
Used to be tobacco but luckily they all switched before smoking became anti-smoking.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Although I live in a large city, I can just about imagine the camaraderie of your town and how lovely it must be. Ofcourse, I have been to local small town fiars, and love them!
I hope you are well moi, I am back now.
Monday, August 13, 2007
There's nothing like spud! Except maybe a festival to honor them.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Mystic: HI! Welcome back! I lived in Toronto for 5 years but I rather like the small town spirit here. We can still drive to the city when we want and be back home for bed!
Colleen: Bud the Spud is a famous song here!
Monday, August 13, 2007
This looks like such a great fun time. There is something very comforting about living in a small community.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
That's awesome! I love potatoes. It would have been great to be there.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
How much fun and festivitas you can make out of potatoes - this very important nuitrion source for so many people around.
PS. Wish you the very best on your canoe trip. We too love canoeing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Potato Festival? That sounds AWE-some! I love the picture of the sidewalk art - that had to be cool! I would gain at least 10 pounds at a festival like this.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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