How I Got Into Blogomania!

**** It has been too hot to stay at my computer very long so I'm sorry that I haven't kept up reading all your blogs. We're in an extensive heat wave and I have to hang out in the rooms near where we have a window air con.****
This meme is asking all about how I became a blogger and came from Annelisa.
How/why did you get sucked into the blogging whirlpool?
I had a friend at the time who had just started a blog himself and he thought my e-mails sounded sort of "bloggish" in that they were full of gold nuggets on everything and anything. He said I should mine the sort of stuff we talked about and put that and my poems on a blog. I felt like I was being pushed and really didn't want to do it. I had no idea what it as all about and should have asked more questions and viewed various blogs.
How long ago did you start?
My original one, called, "Mooky's Place" was created in November 2004.
Who introduced you?
A friend who had one and set it up for me.
Who was your very first visitor, and do you both still visit each other?
The guy who set it up and no, he doesn't visit mine anymore. His personal blog is inactive but he just rejuvenated a business blog on signmaking, "Following The Signs". Nobody in my family reads it, unless I e-mail a post. The one time my sister read it she said, "I took a look at your blog sight. It is interesting listening to your "conversations" with your blogging friends. I felt like I was eavesdropping."I actually thought that was cool, don't you?
How has your blog changed from your first posts, and did you envisage it developing the way it has?
My posts in the beginning were all just poetry and short stories I had already written. Gradually, it branched out to include daily life chatter, and finally, I learned how to upload pictures.
When I first started, I didn't really understand the idea of visiting other blogs so I never visited any others except my friend's for about a year! Of course, no one ever visited me either.
The thing that I never would have expected to be on my blog was my song and a video to go with it. This is only because Annelisa wanted to create a video and knew how to do it...well, stayed up all night one time to figure out how to get it on You Tube!
Other than the video/song, my blog is very simple and quite unadorned - nothing much on the sidebar, no real ads, awards, challenges, achievements, fabulous links, incredible flashing moving figures uploaded from God knows where.... and I'm fine with that - it overwhelms me and I don't want all that much on it.
Have you any other blogs and, if so, what is their purpose?
No, it's hard enough for me to maintain Spilling Out! I started with one, then deleted it after a year because I thought there was a weird person obsessing over my blog. The visitor was on it 24/7 several times a day for hours!
I transferred a lot of the posts over here.
So there you have it. Nothing particularly exciting but I still enjoy writing and visiting blogs! Thanks to all those who have ever taken the time to stop by and read. I have really appreciated your comments as well.
Labels: How I Got Blogging. Memes
Thanks, i always enjoy hearing about how people got sucked into the blogging vortex.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Hi MOI! Glad you blog your poems which I enjoy.
Personally I get to know a person through their writings, rather than the meme's.
I like your uncluttered blog...neat. Thank you for your friendship MOI.
Friday, August 03, 2007
interesting -
I enjoy the give and take of comments. I can't remember what got me started, and like you, when I began I didn't know about going to other blogs and commenting. No one ever visited my site because no one knew about it. Now I take pleasure in posting things, participating in Poetry Thursday, and visiting the sites of those who have become virtual friends.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Hi MOI - your story from your start was very interesting. I so much remember you where one of my first blog friends and have stayed trustful since!
I can tell you've got some real summer weather too. So do we in south of Norway and today we where out canoing again - I just love the sunshine you know as we haven't had that much of it this summer.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
You never stops surprising me. As a pro mkt - well I suppose that's how it should be - but anyway_ A great post.
btw. Sorry I've been "away" during a very hectic summer vacation with friends and family - 4 weeks in a row.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
I also love to learn how people get into blogging. Creepy about the obsessive lurker, though.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Meno: And such a vortex it surely is! It would be hard to spin out of!
Twilite: Thanks for appreciating my poems and for liking my simplicity! To me, the main thing is the piece of writing not all the ads and fancy stuff. I get to know people from their comments too.
Pauline: Me too. I'm glad I got into it, although, I don't know how long I'll actually keep it up.
Renny: Yes, I'm an oldie of yours! Enjoy your bit of summer you were deprived of in July!
Toraa:How did I surprise you? You have had a wonderful summer with many friends!
Diana: Yeah, it was bizarre so I deleted my blog in a hasty second. I should have just tried to change the name and URL or something or at least made sure I'd saved some of the writing on the e-mails and in Word!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Glad you are here. You have truly been an inspiration to me! I started in December 2004. Seems like a long time ago now.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
I enjoyed reading this. It's nice to look back and see how it all started.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Barbara: Thanks so much. I'm so glad you're still blogging too. We're oldies!
Grizz: Thanks. It is unique for each person. I still get a lot out of it and I've written more poetry than I would have without blogging.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I got started because I discovered my friend Ingrid had a blog and, having wanted a web presence for years, I decided to try out blogger.
Like you, at first I did not visit many blogs. I didn't know how to discover new blogs (aside from the blogger login page where they feature some blogs). I did use the next blog button once, and didn't find anything interesting. I did not bother with it for months. It is seriously mislabeled, since it should be next random blog. I didn't use it because I figured I would get the same set of blogs.
Of course, following comment links is also another good way to discover new blogs. Right now, I am saturated with all the blogs I can comfortably keep up with.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
We got our first computer way back in 1996. It did not take me long to discover the internet and before I knew it, I was dabbling with making web graphics and webpages. I guess it was kind of a natural progression to take up blogging. The best part of this entire process has been meeting the most remarkable people that in another time and another place, I may never have met.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Richard: I figured out that the next blog was random but they were all dumb ones. Following comments is the best as well as following comments on others' that you visit and see regularly.
I can't take on too many more regulars..some you start, fade away after a short time.
Coll: You sound like a natural, whereas I am even hesitant to play around with it! Mine is pretty plain and simple, isn't it? (on purpose!)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
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