I awoke beside the guy who I have been married to for 27 years, and had been going out with for 5 years before that. Yikes! I've been with him over half my life! At first, I couldn't think of where our old wedding photo album was so I looked in a place that hosts just about everything, my attic. I didn't find it there but I did come across two other neat things.
In an old box were the first and only two letters my husband has ever written me. They were sent to me while I was at summer camp after we'd been going out a year and were a hoot! He's talking about how boring life was in the city and how much the "bush babies" missed me. These were nocturnal monkey-like creatures he had in a cage in his apartment because his room mate was studying them ...well, how they used their thigh muscles to jump so far, for his doctorate in Anthropology. Yes, they could jump far and they freaked me out regularly!
Opening a special old wooden box, I found the three love candles we had used in the wedding ceremony. I remember I thought it was a bad omen because they had broken during one of our moves. But now, because it has been so hot in our attic, they seemed to have softened and somehow melded together once again, shaping themselves together into simply a nice comfortable fit.
Hmmm.....maybe that's a neat metaphor for what happens in a marriage after such a long time together.
In fact, I'm sure that it is.
Labels: anniversaries, Wedding
Hi MOI! What a wonderful day to remember! Lovely post. Both of you look so good together. Blessings.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Just look at the two of you, so young and smiling.
Happy Anniversary!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
That path looks familiar.
Is it possibly at Fantasy Farm?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Congratulations ! We will celebrate 38 years this year, yes it's unbelievable ! Sometimes it's nice to dig in the past, loved your candle story !
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary - love the melted, reformed candle comparison. And look at you two!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Fantastic. A sweet couple.
Friday, July 13, 2007
happy anniversary!
Friday, July 13, 2007
I found the 3 candles melting together as an excellent metaphor.
27 years. You guys beat us by 2 years.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Happy Belated Anniversary! You are a beautiful couple, inside and out!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Jeez mOI you are a cutie! And you are so right about the candles...very nice...
Can Dave jump as high as the Bush babies? DO YOU MAKE HIM JUMP FOR YOU OR DOES HE DO THAT ALL ON HIS OWN?
Friday, July 13, 2007
Aw, MOI you guys look great. I love the candles - what a beautiful metaphor.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Happy Anniversary! Yes, the metaphor is perfect.
Hope you have many more!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Happy Anniversary. it's funny but my wedding picture could be your wedding picture. I have also recently celebrated 27.
I had a dress similar to yours- but mine was a high neck victorian looking thing (it was Jan 4 after all). Hair back with flowers- just like yours.
Hubby with a full beard- just like yours.
loved the candle metaphor also.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wow! I've fit two husbands in that same span! Love the photo and now I have a face to go with your name...or at least your young face.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Congratulations to both of you. That is soooo nice and you look so stunning on that bridal gown. Happy Wedding Anniversary again!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Twilite: Thanks. It was actually a perfect day and doesn't seem that long ago!
MenO: Thanks..yes so YOUNG!! No wonder we were smiling!
Lynn: Thanks! No, it was in Huttonville at a place called, "Someplace Else". I loved that name! It's called The Terrace now.
Gattina: Wow! You guys are amazing! Thanks. The candle thing just struck me that way right off.
Pauline: Thanks..yeah, look at us..what I'd give to be back in that picture! The candles were really neat how they just softened in the heat over the years...it's just what first came to mind.
GR: AW, gee thanks! Are we as sweet as Penny?!!
Bob: Thanks...we're still going out to dinner or something on the weekend to celebrate!
Toraa: Ah, yes! Your big trip is coming up! We went out west for 2 weeks when it was our 25th.
Rapunzel: Oh thank you so much. You're very sweet!
Steve: Thanks, you nut! Um, I dunno...those bush babies have spring loaded legs! Yeah, I say JUMP and he says HOW HIGH? and I say AS HIGH AS THE BUSH BABIES!!
Maggie: I knew you'd like that metaphor and I think it actually works perfectly for our story. Thanks a lot.
Stephen: Hey, thanks for that. I love it when a metaphor comes together!
Gewells: WOW! That's almost freaky! I had my dress made from a Laura Ashley dress of my friend's I just brought to a dressmaker. I bought this ivory satinette and in total it only cost $125!! I had flowers on a comb at the back of my hair. It was all pretty simple...I love yellow roses and even had them on my single layer cake.
Post or e-mail me the pic! Full beard too?! Mine still has his but it's not quite as bushy and some grey has mixed with the red!
Colleen: Ha! You're so funny! Well, as long as you ended up with the right one and it seems you have!
Thanks. Yeah, my YOUNG face! Add a few wrinkles and I'm basically the same.
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Very Very Happy Anniversary toi you....And many many more to come!
I love what has happened to those three candles....It is a TRUE Metaphor, isn't it...After so very many years, there has to be a comfort level that is just like those melded together candles...! BRAVO TO YOU BOTH!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Awwww, I'm sorry I'm late commenting but wish you belated Wedding Anniversary! You where one of my first blogger friend and following you through the last couple of years has been great as you sometimes mentioning your great husband as well.
The candles - to keep them - was so cute - and holds a lot of good stories and memories!
A big hug from Norway to both of you!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Chase: You sneaked in there before I could write this! Thanks so much! It was a pretty simple dress that someone made for a modest $125 including the material!
Old, Old, Lady of the Hills: yes, your right! A REAL metaphor. I wonder if there's a special namre for that type?!! Thanks you very much. I hope we have a few more too!
Renny: Yes, he is a great person and has stuck by me all the way. Thanks! It was neat to find those candles after all this time and they seem to be healed! Have a great canoe ride this weekend!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Very happy anniversary to the both of you!
You know, you really haven't changed very much, at least based on the pictures.
I'm sure it's all the love that keeps you both looking so young.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
that is interesting .. abou the candles.. no matter hwo it happened, it is still magical ifeel. :)
and ur pics.. you look radiant and you both look so happy!
Monday, July 16, 2007
oh yeah..
hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
wishing you both deepening love and contentment.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Diana: Thanks! Well, there are a few more wrinkles for both of us and grey in his beard!
I hope you're right on that one!
Mystic: Thanks..it does sound magical for sure! I'm so glad I found them.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Happy Anniversary. My goodness.. but you were a beautiful bride.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Coll: Thanks so much! All I remember was that I was a little nervous! He was as cool as a cucumber!
Monday, July 16, 2007
wow! Congratulations on your anniversary x (sorry I'm late) Nice to see your picture - you're very pretty.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Happy belated anniversary!!! This is what I get for not doing the blog rounds as frequently these days.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Topchamp: Thank you very much! I'm glad I found this album, I thought I had misplaced it!
Richard: Thanks! Yeah, we're oldies, Richard! Ah, everyone's on holidays so visitors and blogging are somewhat sporadic in the summer I find.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Congrats... My family used to own and operate Sompelace Else...maybe I cooked your banquet.
Charles Host
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
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