Happy Canada Day 2007!

Today is Canada's Birthday! Yahay! We finally have a permanent flagpole on the roof of my husband's office at the front of our house.
Now I feel like a proud Canadian!
See last year's post in which I praise Americans for their obvious pride in their country as opposed to our reticence to show this.
(My Create a post is stuck in Edit Html mode instead of Compose! Does anyone know how I get out of this?! I've clicked on both a number of times and it doesn't change anything.)
Labels: Canada Day, Flag
Is that hubby? Woo Hoo!!!!
So how come we don't hear
"O Canada" playing?
Love the flag- you know I am the only house on my street with the American Flag up- isn't that shameful?
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Happy Birthday Canada. Your country rocks!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Hi MOI! Good to know today is Canada's National. It's also the day when Britain returned Hongkong to China and it's their 10th anniversary celebration!
Cool...patriotic -- flying your national flag in your home!
Sad to say those wretched terrorists attacked the Glasgow Airport... Hope you didn't know of anyone who had wanted to get home for the celebration.
(I'm comforted you'd problem on yours...augh! I couldn't download photos from my album but able to from the internet.)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Happy Canada Day.. :)
Ours is just around the corner.. :)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Oh, Canada. dum dee de dum dum. Or something like that.
Happy Canada day!
Monday, July 02, 2007
A most beautiful house. And cat.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy Canada Day!
The flag looks great up there.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Belated Happy Birthday to all of you Canadians - your flag on the house looks very nice. Very much how we do it in Norway the 17th of May you know:-)
I think your post problem is general for Blogger for the time being so I hope it is a comfort to you to hear there is nothing wrong about your computer!
Btw: I've moved: http://www.terella.no - welcome over and please update your blogroll:-)
Monday, July 02, 2007
Gewells: Yeah, that's the man himself! You should see him in biking shorts! HA!
Me? Know how to upload music? Never!
I can't believe you're the only one with a flag! Americans are so much more proud and flagwaving than we are and July 4th is coming soon.
meno: Hey, thanks! We'd like to think it does.
twilite: Ah, yes...I wonder what it'd be like in Hong Kong now?
Terrorist activity is sadly becoming more commonplace and less alarming. De-sensitised I guess.
Blogger acts weird sometimes!
Mystic: Thanks! Hope you have a flag for yours!
Bob: Thanks! If I knew how to upload songs, I'd have it playing for you!
Gr: Thanks! But that's not my cat, it's my husband!
Diana: Thanks...finally! You guys are so good at flagwaving with pride. We're still working on it.
renny: Thanks! I hope you're right that Blogger has the problem temporarily.
Okay, I'll update links.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy Canada Day! Your home is just lovely!
Monday, July 02, 2007
I so love our country and our flag. It looks grand waving from your house. I really do think most Canadians are proud and patriotic, although many are not too demonstrative of the fact. But I have been noticing more and more flags on houses, cars and t-shirts.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
rapunzel: Thanks! Because it's a business on the main street too, we try to make it look as homey as possible.
Coll: I suppose you're right..we're just shy about showing our pride. I love our flag too. I remember when they were trying to decide which flag they liked best!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Happy birthday Canada!!
Tomorrow is our Independence Day!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thanks! Get your flag up!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
NICE.......... very nice ...........
oh .. and your flag looks real pretty too up there in front of your house ........
(lucky girl ....)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
RDG: Yeah, it's a perfect place for it! yep, I'm a lucky girl in many ways. I have a nice house....and husband who's there for me even on the roof when need be!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
How on earth could I miss Canada day. Must have been away;) Yes, in fact we were.
You have such a beautiful house and I can see you really care for flowers.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy belated Canada Day!
We celebrated in two provinces (Ontario and Quebec).
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Toraa: Thanks. We love our house. My husband has a chiropractic office in the front so he likes to make it look nice and we are on the main street. He does most of the planting and even the watering!
Richard: Double patriotism! Thanks.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
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