Peak of The Yard!

Here you see one of our new gardens at the end of the property down by the river and two shots of looking back up towards the house. It looks like a long trek back , especially lugging the hose every morning at 6:00 a.m.!
At the very bottom of the lot, we can look left along a beautiful strip of flood plain that is really not used by anyone else but a few people who live along there. It's a great place to take a srtoll in the evening or early morning.
At the very bottom of the lot, we can look left along a beautiful strip of flood plain that is really not used by anyone else but a few people who live along there. It's a great place to take a srtoll in the evening or early morning.
My cats, Mooky and Socks, often follow us!
Labels: Yard at end of July
What a lovely spot for escaping and relaxing!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Hey Moi, a grey and black tiger like yours just moed in with us!
Monday, August 06, 2007
You are back just in time for me to give it a break! Where were all the fish you caught at your sista'h's?
I'll be back in a couple of weeks...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Wow your garden is looking great. You've got quite a bit of land there, and watering at 6 am, I admire you...I only plant things that are low maintanance...of course in Norway water isnt exactly a problem, I have to buy plants that don't get root rot because its so wet!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Absolutely lovely, Mother of Invention!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Hi MOI! Can I camp there and hideaway?
Monday, August 06, 2007
oh lovely! don't lock he door - I'm on my way...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Beth: It don't even think you're on the main street down there.
Gr: She looks just like mine!!!
Steve: I don't fish there..I fish at the Fishing Log cabins camp in a few weeks. Believe me, they'll be BIG Bass pics!
Deedee: Thanks. This is unusually wet for you guys though isn't it? We're having very dry weather.
Rapunzel: Thanks!
Twilite: Sure! You don't even need a tent!
Pauline: The door's open but I'm sure my cats will let you in!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Great Pictures!!!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I sat in the virtual chair and then followed the sun!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
You have a wonderful backyard - a place to find silence - and you are so close to nature - can even walk a tour with your cats - how wonderful.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Mike: Thanks. Welcome back!
Colleen: Wait, I'll make us some tea and grab another chair!
Toraa: We are lucky to have this at the back, yet the convenience of a business at the front.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Happy Birthday to your dad, he makes me feel young.
I love your relaxing garden and the puddytats, we have three, Sweep, Momma and Tiger-lilly.
Thank you for calling me from Jocelyn.
Your Question answered.
Married my present wife Rosemary then 19; When I was 27, on June 20 1953. 5 sons, 7 gds, 1 gs, 1,ggd, all living, and we are still happy ever-aftering.
Have a lovely day.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
This a short excerpt from my memoirs where most of the names were altered before publishing.
Mary Arrives in Singapore
The general belief was that applying for your lady friend to join you overseas inferred that the lady was expecting. In those closeted days, marriage was the decent thing to do. Upon her arrival in Singapore on 17 June 1953, Mary did not fit this picture at all. Her slim, beautiful figure was noticeable, but nothing was said.
Miss Mary White, nineteen years of age with dark brown hair, a beautiful face, brown eyes, and perfect figure came down the gangway of the SS Dorset shire. She looked gorgeous! A porter followed with her luggage. Mary’s first words to me were, “Don’t just stand there looking at me, John Spencer. Please kiss me.”
Our wedding day was on 20 June 1953. There was a civil ceremony at the Johore Bahru Government Building and another at St. Christopher’s Church in Johore Bahru. Lt Commander Priest, our new first Lt, gave Mary away. He was ‘married with children’ and advised me not to refer to him as ‘Dad.’
After our wedding, we lived at Jalan Kemaman, Johore Bahru, Malaya (now Malaysia). Our next-door neighbour was Police Lt Bill Haines. His daughter, Debbie, was Mary's bridesmaid.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Summer comes a little later to you, but it seems well worth waiting for. Your yard is beautiful.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Vest: Thanks very much! He'd call you young too! Age is all relative..I was born in '53!
Yes, our cats rule the yard.
You have had a very interesting life. Those were special times. My dad has many stories of his days as a pilot of a Lancaster Bomber in England during the war.
You have been blessed with many young family members! It is wonderful that you are writing it...a legacy to pass on down through your family.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Barbara: Thanks. We're really enjoying it this summer.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Greenery is always nicer than glass, metal and concrete. Mind you, the mosquitoes can be a bother at times.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Richard: Only at dusk and if you're close to cedars. They are annoying though. We've had bats this year too.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
What an amazingly beautiful yard. I can sense the peace that you must find there.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Coll: Yes, I often go there wit a coffee just to sit and listen or watch, early morning or quiet dusk.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
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