Me, spilling out all my thoughts, inner and outer, on just about anything! Lots of poetry, short stories from past experiences, anecdotes about teaching elementary school, music, relationships....garage sale type thing...Something For Everyone!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snowstorm #2!

I am still feeling crummy, tired, and getting super chilled. My temperature is always lower than normal at about 34.5. I gave 6 vials of blood this morning for my regular diabetic check and I won't be surprised if there is evidence of worsening hypo-active thyroid. I sure hope I start feeling better! And ....we are going away for the weekend to a an important family birthday party so I really wish I felt good. It's a five hour trip to Ottawa.

Sorry I haven't been visiting blogs as regularly as I'd like to but ....

I'll leave you with pictures around my house of Snowstorm #2! It basically snowed for 24 hours and we got a total of 2 1/2 feet!

Have a good weekend!


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Blogger Ingrid said...

Oh my ! that looks terrible at least to me because I don't like snow and storms even less !

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger storyteller said...

What a lovely photo post illustrating the 2nd snowstorm. I got up to turn the furnace on just LOOKING at them and am grateful it's only 49 degres (Fahrenheit) in So Cal this morning (though when I first heard the chilly figured I shivered because our lows are usually in the high 50s -- I know, we're spoiled).

I'm sorry to learn you're still not feeling well (I'm trying to convert your temperature and am coming up with something like 94 degrees, but that can't be right can it?) It seems like this has lingered even though you've been taking care of yourself. Maybe if you sent some cookies, my "angels" could help? :)

Don't worry about not visiting our Blogs ... just take care of yourself and get well soon.
Hugs and blessings,

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger RennyBA said...

You know I envy you all this snow. In Oslo (Norway) we've had some but it has been wiped out in rain the day after :-(

I do hope you feel better already and have a great celebrating weekend!

Btw: You don't have to excuse yourself - I often feel the same as I have a busy schedule (blogging is after all just a hobby you know) and I trust my dear blog friends understand.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

I do so hope you're feeling better - sending love and strength and healing.

Brilliant photos, seems so strange to see them, while here we're enjoying summer heat and blue skies.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger urban-urchin said...

the photos are beautiful but 2.5 ft of snow is not.. i am hypo and you really really really have to be your own advocate. Tell them you feel best when your tsh is around 1 (and make sure you know what the lab's scale of 'normal' is) many doctors only pay attention to numbers and not the way the patient feels). i could go on and on. but i also wanted to direct you to they have a pretty good board for hypo. hope you feel better soon!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Richard said...

I love those snowy forest picture pics.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Water Baby said...

So pretty! It's about 76 degrees here again today and most likely will be until after Christmas Day, unless we get lucky! I do hope you feel better soon, hot chocolate or apple cider often helps when I'm feeling under the weather!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Maddy said...

Golly that is one heck of a lot of snow!
Best wishes

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Lynnea said...

Hey take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I hope you feel better soon.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Pauline said...

The photos are beautiful! Wish we had that much snow! We have only a dusting and we're due for freezing rain instead of the white stuff.

Hope you're feeling better

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogger Diana said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so crummy. I hope it's a simple matter of adjusting your thyroid and not something yuckier.

I hope you have a nice time at the birthday party, even if it means just sitting cozily.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blogger Akelamalu said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100% hope you're feeling better soon.

That's a lot of snow! I'm hoping we don't get any at all. :(

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blogger Simply Coll said...

Oh my goodness.. now that is alot of snow! I hope you are feeling better and were able to enjoy your family weekend.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blogger twilite said...

Hi MOI! Praying and hoping you're feeling better. Lovely pictures. Thanks. Take care.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Gattina: I love them from the inside looking out and when I don't have to drive in them!

Storyteller: Thanks so much...maybe if I made cookies with the angel cookie cutter?!!!
That temp is about right. It fluctuates a lot but I am lower than normal. Yes, you have to blog when your heart, mind and body are into it, without the guilt.

renny: Thanks for the understanding and well wishes. We could send you some of this snow! We're to get a lot this winter!

Absolute Vanilla:Thanks. Yes, it must seem weird just as it is for me when I see heat sun and ocean on other blogs! I'd rather have warm!

Urban Urchin: Wow! Thanks for the tip on thyroid. I'll check it out and ask some more questions this Wed. at my doctor's.
YEP, It's a load of snow, but I kinda hope it sticks around for Christmas..last year's was green!

Richard: The snowy forest pics are in my neighbour's and my back yard! Lucky us to live in a forest on the main street! That's a neat combo and trade-off for having to be on a busy street.

Water Baby: Yes, it IS beautiful to look at but sometimes a pain to have to go out in! Have you ever been somewhere with as much snow as we have?
Hot drinks do make one feel better when chilled like an iceberg!!

maddy: Thanks so much for the visit and comment! I'll return it soon when I'm around the blogs.

Maggie: Thanks, I'll try! Keep on writing your poetry!

Pauline: Thanks! Last year we had none and a green Christmas to boot, but we're supposed to get a load this winter. Hope you get some.

Diana: Thanks, too but you know my track record of weird medical things! Should be interesting to see the results of my cat scan of thge mastoid bone which was full of fluid for so long. Hope it wasn't a bad leak of spinal fluid. Brain Drain, I don't want!

Akemalalu:Thanks. Why not? We could sure spare some and it could liven things up over there!!

Simply Coll: was a nice weekend but I'm a little tired. Hope I can recharge for the season's festivities!

Twilite: Thank YOU! I'll send you some snow!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogger Barbara said...

Stay warm and get well. Just come around to Blogs as time permits. We will all still be here.

Hope your trip was pleasant and not too tiring.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogger Water Baby said...

Nope, the most snow ever was 3 years ago on Valentine's Day, we used all the snow in the yard to build a 5'5 snowman, it was really cool!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blogger twilite said...

Hi MOI! Hoho...thanks for the snow.

We've been getting incessant rain, i.e. rain all day and night for the past week! (Our neighboring countries are experiencing floods and landslides.) Wonder if you understand, our tiled floor are wet from the high humidity!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blogger GrizzBabe said...

Where you live is SO picturesque! And this is not the first time I've noticed this. I'm terribly jealous.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blogger GrizzBabe said...

Oh, and I hope you feel better soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blogger GEWELS said...

Oh, feel better soon.
Nothing worse than to feel so crummy when you have much to do.
Sending you healing vibes!

The snow is spectacular. Your home looks absolutely buried.
I posted a few of our snow photos from this past week- not NEARLY as impressive as yours. Maybe that's what I should be thankful for.
Drive safely and bundle up, and pack a hot water bottle for the trip.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Barbara: It's a tiring time of year so I am actually pretty zapped. I have 2 concerts this weekend too! I'm keeping a low profile for now until I get my act together.I just got cards out yesterday!

Waterbaby: My niece lives in Texas now and man, does she miss the snow from here to go snowboarding!

Twilite: Do you have monsoons?

Grizz: Thanks! We're just used to this and I'd probably think where you live is pretty neat too. But I must say, winter does hold a certain beauty, like the Christmas cards! (I'm still struggling a bit to get to full energy.)

Gewells: Thanks, I'm trying! I do hate not being able to do everything everyone else does.
That winter shot in my yard looks like the marshmallow fluff poured out of the jar all over everything in my yard!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooooooo - i've never seen snow like that - ever !!

i hope you can use the trip as an excuse to rest, rest, rest and let others take care of YOU for a while...

i'm heading out this weekend for a 14 hour long drive with 3 kids and a dog ... maybe I need more meds.... ha.

much love this holiday season!
be safe!
be well!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogger colleen said...

I knew I would find some great snow photos here! I have some window shopping ones. No snow though.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogger TopChamp said...

it looks amazing! sorry you're not feeling well but thank you for the pictures.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

RDG: Thanks, Babe! Guess you won't be running into snow like this on your trip?!!
If you didn't need drugs before, you'd sure need'em after that trip! HA! Nah, just kidding..just think how much more pleasant that trip will be this year than last year, eh? You've come a LONG way from that in just a year. All the best for a great holiday!

Colleen: Do you ever get it like this? All our travel is weather dependent and we have to cancel things regularly! The pain and beauty of winter here!

Topchamp: Thanks and you're welcome. Guess you never get it like this in Scotland, eh? You just get to have a nice Christmas and eat shortbreads!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blogger TorAa said...

You are at home with Snow (storm),
the same day we were in Salta and 34C.
When we returned last Sunday at Oslo Airport: -10C.

hugs from
Tor y Anna

Monday, December 17, 2007

Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Toraa: Welcome back to reality and I hope you had a wonderful trip. be around to visit soon. Wish yiou were here to help fix my computer!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blogger TorAa said...

First photo: Who's Cat is up there?

the rest tells me a story of the beauty of having 4 seasons - but pls shuffel the snow away for me.... ;)

Friday, December 21, 2007


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