Master of Deception

behind the smokescreen he cowers
hiding his true self
so well
that even he is fooled
the same lies
trip off his tongue repeatedly
and fall fluently
and fall fluently
from lips so well versed
and rehearsed
we blindly place trust
in his convincing performance
in his convincing performance
and then he effortlessly
reels us in
almost hooked
almost hooked
only to catch himself instead
for he is pathetically delusional
and has forgotten that smoke rises
to signal its warning...
behind smoke and mirrors
lie his fears
and he is exposed for what he is -
a liar and denier
and no longer
a master of deception
a master of deception
Labels: Deceptiveness, Poetry
Monday, November 12, 2007
Is this Ruth? This is Julie Jordan Scott - you asked to no longer receive my daily email but I do not know your email address. If you send your email address to me at I would be more than happy to unsubscribe you.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Was this based a someone you know or knew?
Monday, November 12, 2007
I was so pleased to pop over to your site to find a poem. Here's a link to a Monday event you might enjoy:
Rhian's Poetry Train
My favourite lines from your poem are:
'and has forgotten that smoke rises
to signal its warning...'
Liars and deceivers are usually the ones most taken in. After awhile the rest of us get tired of the same old show.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Twilite: Yep. I had/have a lot of strong feelings about this type of person who has likely affected everyone at one time or another. This was the perfect way to get it out in a concrete form. See my comment to Coffee lady below!
Julie: Yes. Done. Thanks. No offense, but I need to cut down on the e-mails I receive.
Coffee-drinking-woman: Yes and no. This person represents both a friend who really disappointed me and in whom I trusted and believed was a true friend, and a long-time best girlfriend's husband who completely blew her out of the water without warning, and all the many other situations like hers that I can think of where men have done this to unsuspecting women..we all seem to know plenty of those. A close friend works at a women's shelter and knows a ton of similar scenarios. I really feel for these women and hate when people do this to others,but especially women. I just know what it felt like with a guy friend I had for a short time, but luckily, can only imagine what it must feel like with a spouse/partner one has had for a long time. My heart goes out to all of them and some, very close to me.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Julia: Thanks so much. I used to write a lot more....this is one I wrote about 6 months ago but had been simmering a long time!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Whew -- powerful poem! It certainly resonates with experiences from MY life ... and seeing it here makes me want to revisit my own poetry... almost :)
It's intriguing to consider the commonality of such experiences in our lives. I wonder if I'm courageous enough to share my private self in this way. Your bravery inspires the writer in me. Perhaps in time? Until then ...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I think this is my absolute favorite of your poems, which is saying quite a lot.
Sadly, this describes a co-worker to a 'T'. I'm sure we all know some one just like this.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Powerful words, I think everyone knows someone like that.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
We are not into an election. Are we?
I thought you always waited until Fridays for poetry.
Nice poem.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Richard: HA! You makde me smile at that one! Expecially with all the news on Brian M, the biggest Master of Deception there ever was....such a weasel-used car salesmen type!
There isn't really a thing I do anymore..I just do it when the mood strikes. I wrote this about a year ago. I like it because it's powerful...just as powerful or more than those who are masters at deceiving others. I'm glad many like me, can see through these people for who they really are. It still burns me that so many get tricked and fall for them and possibly get hurt. I sound like it's always the male who does this but in the cases I know personally, it has been.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
"He" is to be truly despised, the poison of the earth, truly beyond redemption and not worthy of even a drink of salty water. Evil incarnate .
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sorry! I forgot you before!
Storyteller: Yes, it is powerful but my emotions were too when I wrote not so much.
Thanks. I'm not realy brave, just expressive.
Diana: Wow! Thanks so much, Diana! It got the response I was wanting then....and yes, we all know one or two.
Akelamalu: Apparently! Thanks!
Goatman: Hold it...did I say that here? Even between the lines, I couldn't be that cruel! And the "He" could just as easily be a "She" depending on your personal experience you bring to the poem.
Sorry if I struck a wrong chord with you to evoke such a negative response..but wait! That's what a writer strives to do in some evoke feeling..any feeling..and not necessarily the same feeling as he/she has as the the writer I'm glad you read and commented as you did.
(I might give him or her some tea and biscuits!)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It is sad that so many may relate to your poem. You are so fortunate to have this talent and this form of expression.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's for me allways a pleasure reading your posts - from wildlife to intelligent poems - and as said "millions" of times: listening to your song.
You write poems so direct and easely to inteprete as nobody else.
I must admit, I wish I could have time to write poems myself. I know I can...
For the time beeing, I concentrate of my daughter in Florida - I was there for 4 nights - then My son in Michigan - then My son in Oslo, who just moved to a larger appartement while his girlfriend (Master Grade study) can also live with him - and nearby his son..
Oh - this looks like a letter.. ok, well sort of.
Love your blog
greetings from
Tor in Norway
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Coll: Thank you. I find it sad too but it seems to be prevalent and I am becoming better at recognising it when I see it and dealing with it in a less emotional way. I am lucky it has only touched me a few times and with just friends, not major partners or family.
Toraa: Aw, thanks! You are a special fan for sure!
You are too busy travelling to write poems..but maybe on the plane!! And you are so lucky to be able to travel to stay so closely connected with your kids.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
That is a really nice poem and I can certainly send this one as well on an ex-bf
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wow, powerful and descriptive words and it's just sad that there are people in this world that these words fit to a tee.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hi MOI. Thank you for this interesting interaction. Now I would read this poem with less wonderings...
Friday, November 16, 2007
MOI, I love this one. Its especially poignant how the poem starts describing his deceiving ways and then reveals how he truly only deceives himself.
Friday, November 16, 2007
This is a great poem. But I've been trying to figure out what that is a picture of.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Are you talking about the US President? Or perhaps the VP?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Chase: Sorry you had a bad experience but am glad you can relate to my poem. Glad you've found the real thing.
Lynette: Yep, it is and it always seems like they get away with it...but in the end they don't really.
Twilite: It's hard when you're one of the first readers isn't it? If you read later, you can see all the other comments and replies and it comes together to make fuller sense. Thanks for re-reading it.
Maggie: Oh, maggie, this is high praise from such a good poet as you are. Thanks!
That is the crux of deception and sometimes only fool yourself.
Grizz: Thanks! It is supposed to be smoke and mirrors...ha! Didn't really match..I should have left it out and let the words speak.
Barbara: This poem could fit many politicians! Look at Richard's comment.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hi MoI !!!
this is a fantastic poem -so much strength flowing through your words ... i think many of us have experienced a 'he' (or she, thank you goatman ??) at some point in our lives. deception is cruel and heartless. it ranks right up there with my top 5 most hated traits in us humans !!
and thank you so much for Souby's gift - i wonder if he'll let me steal some of that yummy looking syrup for my french toast?
you are so sweet (not syrupy, just sweet!)
Friday, November 16, 2007
wow.. thats powerful. your anger.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I couldnt help wondering who the person was.
it could fit so many, personal or public figures!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Excellent poem, MOI! How I've missed coming here! My computer's not been working, so I've concentrated on writing (broken laptop that goes whistly and wobbly every twenty minutes!! :-( ) and my work computer now screens out all blogs! It's been hellish!
I think this pc's working again now, but I won't be properly blogging til the end of the month...just wanted to say hello :-D
ps hope your health is holding out - I've been thinking of you!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Sing it. Like you should have been canoing - your voice only and the animals your only listener (but me of course - Vikings are Animals *giggles*)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
RDG: Thanks! I really value your opinion on poetry and am so pleased you liked this one especially. It did hold a lot of anger-hurt-power personally for me at one time, now I can see it from a bit more calm perspective. But these kind of people still astonish me as I am such an honest person.
You're so welcome for the syrupy-blood-sugar-raising gift!
Mystic: It was a result of incidents with two or 3 different people over the last several years and many more in friends' lives. I am very glad that I haven't actually met that many, relative to the numerous very good and kind people I have in my daily life. I am surprised and shocked at how many people get taken by this type of person as spouses/partners etc. I just want to shake them and warn them but they need to find out for themselves.
Annelisa: Hey! Thanks for the praise! From you, it means a lot and I've really missed your "face" around here and everywhere in general. You without a PC is unimaginable! I hope you get back soon, but still balance the time with other imortant aspects of your life now.
I am generally in good health, thanks....poling and watching my food intake, sugar AND weight!!! I'll e-mail you soon.
Toraa: HA! HA! Hmmm...don't know if I could think of a tune to match this tone! It at one time, might have been shouting and echoing across the quiet lake!! Now that might have scared away my animal audience, even a Viking!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Excactly - you so presice hit the nail
Sunday, November 18, 2007
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