A Fabulous Host House!
My sister is lucky enough to live in a big old rural Ontario farmhouse that has been in her husband's family since 1867. She has completely renovated it years ago and furnished it with beautiful antique pieces, many of which were my grandmother's.
You can see the formal front parlour wooden staircase and then further down in the kitchen, there is the back staircase which is used most often.

Below, is my grandmother's long table which can seat thirty when all the leaves are used, and the huge buffet and sideboard full of valuable dishes.
I love the cranberry glass overhead hanging light fixture! The draperies are gorgeous as well.
The kitchen light is more in the early pioneer style and really suits this room.
What a fabulous place to host our recent Thanksgiving dinner!
Labels: antiques, My sister's farmhouse, Thanksgiving 07
Fabulous, indeed! Lucky sister and lucky you!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Looks like a lovely house from the inside. Any shots of the outside?
We were at my sister's house for Thanksgiving as well (she has the largest house of any of us) because it is centrally located (more or less) to all of us in Kingston.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hi MOI! Wow! Tastefully decor! Your sister and husband must be houseproud folk.
I'd love to be invited to the Thanksgiving (pretty thick-skinned huh?). Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. mmmm...yum yum! Thank you for sharing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What a magnificent home, Mother. It looks warm, joy-filled, and loved. How very cool.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
What a spectacular house! It has a warm feeling from the pictures.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
When watching your pictures, reading your text and listening to my fav song:
One wish came truth: Guess what?
Clue: We are going to a.o to Michican next Summer to visit my Son
PS. I'm rather busy. not only work , but also the fact my mother is 88 on Friday Oct 12. I'll started my presnetation. But there will be more tomorrow - lot's of scanning to do
Oh hi - so selfish of me, but I hope it's something left from your dinner. Excellent and tasty photo
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Off the chart gorgeous! And it's not a B&B?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Diana: Yeah, I just get to go there though!
Richard: I don't have ny outside pics but some day I should get them to send me one.
Yes, it always falls to the centrally located and/or the one who can house the crowd. That's never me except in the summer when we can use our yard, but maybe after the addition is done!
Twilite: She did an amazing job of decorating! I could never do that sort of thing but I know what I like.
Stephen: You've got that right...it does have a very warm family spirit.
Barbara: It really is special and quite historical too.
Toraa: I can't guess! You tell me! Have a great 88th celebration.
Colleen: Yes, it looks like one! And it is when I've stayed overnight!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wow, someone really has the decorating gene. Beautiful.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
How wonderful to have a home that has been in the family for so many years. It is truly lovely.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I lost my spot in your link list? When did that happen??
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thanks for taking us with. You know this farmhouse could easily be a Norwegian one due to the furniture, the decoration and the carpets. What a perfect surrounding for a Thanksgiving dinner.
I also loved the cranberry glass overhead and the lovely way the table was set.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I'm so loving the quaint house with the beautiful antiques. I can just look at the surroundings and tell the home is filled with wonderful memories.
Hope you had a great Turkey Day!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
oh wow!! the old houses have such character.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
was that a huge brick fireplace?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Meno: She got it all! Not MOI!
Coll: Yes, it's a treasure.
renny: Wow! I'd love to visit Norway..I'd feel so at home!
yes, the cranberry glass is very valuable.
grizz: We did and it is a very kind and warm-spirited house.
Mystic: I think so too and prefer them. Mine is old but only 1921.
Gr: No, it's where they added the new kitchen onto the old house. There is a huge whole wall stone fireplace in the living room that I don't have a picture of.
Monday, October 15, 2007
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