Record Temps And Flowers!

I can't believe this past weekend was Thanksgiving. Some years it's been downright frosty but this year was record hot and humid conditions. It's been a muggy week and today it peaked at 37C with the humid ex!
We are still feeding our plants miracle grow and watering like mad! The pansies shown here are quite robust still and the snapdragons are thriving. Technically, we can't call it Indian Summer because we haven't had frost yet.
Labels: flowers, Hot fall weather, Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you, a little late. Your flowers are lovely. My mums are looking lovely, but the pansies are mostly gone.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Your flowers look beautiful still. Enjoy them as long as you can (it'll help get you through a cold winter)
It has been unseasonably warm here too. As much as I love Autumn I am enjoying the warm days and cooler evenings on the back deck watching the trees oh so slowly change.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Wasn't it a great weekend! The flowers look great! The mums I planted last year are blooming all over! Plus a lot of my perennials are reblooming after being cut down!
The drive home from Peterborough tonight was muggy, so there was lots of fog in the lowlands.
Monday, October 08, 2007
what a beautifully welcoming dooryard!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Meno: The pansies were freakishly lush! Thanks.
Gewells: It has been really slow! When might you get frost and snow?
Lynn: Yes, the foggy misty season has arrived and now rain and cooler temps. Putting most shorts and light tops away!
Pauline: Thanks! We try to make it lokk homey and loved since it'e on the main street and also my husband's office.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Hi MOI. Wow! I didn't expect pansies looking so fresh and lush at this time of year. Lovely pictures. Like the pumpkins standing on the steps! How welcoming indeed! Do have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
You weren't kidding! Those flowers, especially the pansies are amazing!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I can't believe you've had 37C this time of year. In fact, it's 0.5 C above the warmest we have ever had in Norway since they started recording temperatures.
We left our Summerhouse last Sunday, and came back to a mess in the winterhome - due to the restauration of all outer walls and balconies in this and 5 other appartmentbuildings. That means everything we had on the balcony incl the outdoor storing room - yes, in our living room. Hurray.
We do have very simular flowers in our gardens - Our stephmother's flowers we've had flowering since March - still they light up for us.
btw. Thanks for your B-D greetings and comments on Ingelin 30. I'll visit her next month in Miami.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Beautiful, beautiful flowers and greenery. Here it is cold, dreary and grey. The furnace has been turned on and comfy sweaters are required.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I've not seen such prolific pansies!
Must be the Canadian air and that 15° tilt of the earth's axis.
What will we photograph when the cold drab days of winter set in?
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I do hope you had a great Thanksgiving celebration. I remember it was you who first told me that it all started in Canada and that you celebrate before US.
Married to an American, we will have ours in November of course.
This garden flower pics where great. Yea, I've heard you've had extreamly hot weather lately. Ours are much colder and we have had our first frost night. So send some of your heath over as we can have a proper Indian Summer :-)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Twilite: Thanks. I'm enjoying them while they last an unusually long time.
Diana: I wasn't! This is unprecedented and I still love looking at them.
Toraa: This is a very starnge summer/fall with all the dryness and heat waves. It is to be more seasonal this coming week but still warmer than usual.
Hope you got your mess under control!
(You are most welcome for the B-day wishes!)
Coll: I'm sure we'll be getting that in the not too distant future but it is still to be warmer than usual for the next 2 weeks. We are finally getting some rain though. Wonder what all this means for the winter ahead?
Goatman: Don't know what it is about those pansies except that they face south...all our others are dead or spindly.
I suppose we shall be left to photographing cats,dogs, the first frost, the first snowfall,birds at the feeder......dust bunnies under the bed??!!!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I think we have had pretty nice weather this year. I certainly can't complain (unless it is about having to work and not being independently wealthy).
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Richard: Yes, it's been pretty good...even if you have to work!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sorry renny!
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Now we're finally into some coler weather and may have frost soon!
Friday, October 12, 2007
those flowers are beautiful!!
all the flowers i planted in spring have been dug up by the squirrels.. i wish i knew what to do. we had the same problem last year.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
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