Hit The Dirt!

Our renovation is well underway. It's weird to see the old porch torn off in about five minutes and all the bricks piled up in a corner only to expose ugly old tar paper. There will be a lot of rapid change in the next three months!
This house was built in 1921. It had only ever had one owner when we bought it in 1987. It was in fabulous shape. My husband converted the front part and basement to be used as his chiropractic office. Twenty years later and ten years till retirement, we are opening up the first floor towards the back so we have more living space and can can see into our yard. There is also going to be a washroom on the main floor! Yahoo!
The kitchen will be opened up and updated. Nothing much on this floor has been done since the 60's. I'm not kidding! When we moved in, it still had that old grey arborite with the white flecks! We're planning on putting in an island and some new cupboards that slide out to save me from lying on my belly trying to search in the dark for the stir fry pan!
Labels: Cats, house reno
What a big production and excavation. Hope the cat doesn't fall in.
Just thought I'd say Hey before I fell of the face of the earth...meaning no computer access.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
You will quickly forget the inconvenience once the renovation is completed. Take lots of pictures of pipes and cables that will ultimately be covered over. You can't imagine how handy that is when something breaks inside a wall!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Hi MOI! Good day...hitting the dirt huh? Yep. Take as many pics as possible...something I love about digital camera.
Wow...your house built in 1921 and you're the 2nd owner...cool indeed. This house must be well kept in the past. Lovely thought and lovely post. Take care. Cheerio.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
oh wow - a renovation, a new project. how exciting it all is!! the planning, now the doing .... congratulations - and good luck. i'm sure there will come a time that the inevitable crawl of delays, bills, things not going quite 'as planned' might put a damper on the moment - but enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. in the end, it will all be worth it!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I don't think I have to tell you to keep your chin up - you seem to have that down to an art. Can't wait to see the before and after pics! You will be giving us those right?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
A big renovation and project .I am sure it is going to be just beautiful when it is all over.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Oh, this is very HGTVish! I can't wait to see the final results.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ohhh, I'm jealous. Be sure to post pictures during the progress. I love this stuff...
Friday, September 28, 2007
Colleen: Yes, it's the 2nd biggest we've done, the first being my husband's office at the front of the house. I'm taking cat attendance before they start filling in the dirt!
Barbara: Yes, good hint! I remember your post about that now.
Twilite: This house was in perfect shape when we bought it...um...I've wrecked a few floors with water spills and gouged a bit of wood on doors with the vacuum cleaner!!
RDG: Thanks! yesp, we've run into a few already like the depth of the old foundation was shallower than is allowed now so we're not doing the basement. Our Architect is a friend and his wife is a Landscape Architect like you are! They've worked together on some projects..How cool!
Maggie: Yes, I will! I'll be too excited not to. I know you guys have done a lot on your house too. Old houses like this one always need something and the time is right.
Starry Nights: Thanks..I hope so..we've done mega planning for this!
Grizz: Okay, I don't know that show but must be like those home reno shows. My sister just was on the kitchen Disaster show and got a $25,000 kitchen done for free!
Urban-urchin: Thanks. Actually, this is a long time coming..we've never even had a bathroom on the first floor or a window to look out into our beautiful long back yard that goes to the river. I'm excited!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Lobby for a nice Granite countertop....worth every penny...carved right out of the side of a mountain thats a million years old....polshed till you can see your face....
Friday, September 28, 2007
MOi: that is a fine looking grey tiger. The cousin, my grey tiger, Spike, says a big hello.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Steve: Granite?! Outta my price range! I'll have to just be an arborite gal! Carved out of Home Depot sheets! I'll try polishing it though!
Gr: Hi back, Spike! I told you thay looked identical. And Socks looks like Emily except you can't see much of her in this pic 'cept her back side!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Looks mor elike an archeological dig to me. I envy you, no one ever let me dig up the backyard that way.
Friday, September 28, 2007
you must be so excited!!! we've been wanting to expand too, but thehwole idea of permits, paperwork, contractors scares me.
I can identify with u kitchen situation...:D!! and I have the exact kitchen I want in my mind but from there to reality is a huuuuuge step.
Good luck with that expansion.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wow that is a huge endeavor.
Oh, and those are some beauty cat butt shots. Thank your chats for me.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
MOI I bet your house will be gorgeous when done and I hope you'll share pics as the work progresses! I love the cat's pictures. My cat usually hides when anything is going on that changes the house or is noisy, I think it's kind of stressful on them for a while but they get over it soon.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Richard: It does kinda look like a dig where they frame the section they're digging. You can come and dig here anytime, Richard! We have lots of dirt to share but bring your own shovel or bulldozer!
Mystic: I am really excited! It's taken about a year of planning etc. and I'm looking at kitchen and bathroom designs all the time!
Boblealia: I knew you'd like them!
Lynette: My cats did hide at first and are really cautious when going out, but after the workers leave, they have a ball!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Mookie wants to help! How often I have wished to put the digging power of dogs and cats to my gardens!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
OMG - first I though is was an archological site - instead it's going to be your dream kitchen. And so far a playground for your beautiful cats
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Old Lady: And she is SUCH a help! But cute!
Toraa: Yes it looks like a dig...irresistable for my felines!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I love seeing other people's renovations. All the fun with none of the dust.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Yeah, the before and after will be neat though!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I have never lived through a renovation, and I am sure it must be a little unsettling with the change in routine and structure .. but this all sounds so exciting. I can hardly wait to see the "after" photos.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
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