Latest Reno News!

Here's the latest....this is the old dining room and as you can see, there is only one beam holding up the summer bedroom! AND we still slept there last night just to test its strength! It was okay and we'll sleep there a few more nights.
I'd love to get a picture of us eating out in the old dining room in coats, hats, and mitts at a table with candles lit etc. as if there was nothing different!
They found an old shiny metal decoration for a wood stove in the crawl space beneath this room. I was kinda hoping for a more valuable treasure like the family jewels or a trunk full of gold pieces but I'll keep it. Oh, and there was a child's ironing board!
I sit beside a lady in choir whose childhood friend lived in this house and whose three kids I taught. She's going to e-mail her all the pics I've taken and the one of the toy ironing board. Who knows? It may be hers or even her mother's.
I'd love to get a picture of us eating out in the old dining room in coats, hats, and mitts at a table with candles lit etc. as if there was nothing different!
They found an old shiny metal decoration for a wood stove in the crawl space beneath this room. I was kinda hoping for a more valuable treasure like the family jewels or a trunk full of gold pieces but I'll keep it. Oh, and there was a child's ironing board!
I sit beside a lady in choir whose childhood friend lived in this house and whose three kids I taught. She's going to e-mail her all the pics I've taken and the one of the toy ironing board. Who knows? It may be hers or even her mother's.
Just yesterday, my husband was talking to the builder on his lunch break when his secretary appears in the back yard with a lady in tow; his next patient! They figured he'd be back there and this lady really wanted to see the progress of the addition. Luckily, we know her quite well and she has a great sense of humour, quipping, "I can just lie down on this steel beam!"
The builder got a real chuckle out of this as he is a patient too!
I love the friendly and warm connectedness when these kinds of things happen. It's great to be in a small town.
****(Every time I take a pic and the builder is there, he laughs when I say, "Okay, pretend you're working!"
****(Every time I take a pic and the builder is there, he laughs when I say, "Okay, pretend you're working!"
Ha! These guys are so strong and really slug a long day.)
Labels: house reno, old house treasures, small town feeling
I am hooting over an ironing board as a child's toy. Sort of like a play broom and play scouring pad. Ah, what fun times were had with those!
Love the picture updates.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hi MOI! What a heartwarming read about your little town and the connected feel. Sorry did you sleep in the open, or, above where you were standing in the 2nd pic? Pardon me please. Thank you for the pics. I see the remodelling is fairly big.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Boy, things are really starting to take shape! Can't wait to see the final pics. I imagine you're tired of all the hammering by now.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
That looks like an ongoing project there!
A child's ironing board is a treasure - you can weave all sorts of stories into that.
I have a nursery rhyme quiz going on at the moment if you fancy having a go? :)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
It will be fun to look back at your journal of the renovation after it is all done. Sounds like you are making good progress!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
looks like your project is coming along good.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Diana: Thanks. My sister's twins got an iron given to them and they had to ask what it was!! HA!
Twilite: We slept in the room above where I was standing, but with 2 fewer walls and all the insulation out, it's colder than usual.
Grizz: You got that right! Let's just say I have other words for, "If I had a Hammer"!!
Akelamalu: Yes, I need to have a closer look. I saw your rhyme thing and it's hard!!!
Barbara: Yes, we're pleased so far!
Starry Nights: It will be great when it's finally done.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wow M.O.I. they are making some great progress on your house addition! It's looking fantasic! I wonder how old the toy ironing board is that you found? I still have a toy iron I had from when I was about 4 or 5 years old, made in the late '50's? The thing actually has a real electic cord that plugs in the wall and warms it! I wonder if it would match your toy ironing board?! :D
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hi Ruth, You have to see the post below blogging the blob to see why we are in the writer's room. Enjoy the hallowed evening.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Lynette: Wow! I've never heard of on ethat really worked!
Colleen: Nice of them and you deserve it after all your work!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
The last news that I heard about Reno was they are great in custom home building. Custom Home Builders in Reno are the one who remodeled my home. They can also do your own design to make a better home and unique home on your place.
Monday, March 04, 2013
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