In Search Of A Warm Fire!
Yesterday, had us visiting the village of St. Jacob's, Ontario looking for a special model of gas fireplace. It is a Peninsula model, a 3-sided view. The logs are beautiful and are impinged with flames and embers that look quite real to me. There are many embers on the bottom of the fire that glow just like a wood fire. This fireplace is going to be placed almost in the middle of our new room and will be a beautiful focal point.

We saw several horse and buggies along the highway as is the custom of the Mennonite people who are of German heritage and who farm in this area. Many do not have electricity and some use horse drawn plows instead of tractors.
People swarm to the farmers market they run and it was was quite busy. We bought their famous kolbassa, (sp?) back bacon, back ribs, curds, rye bread, and fudge. Of course, we had to have their signature Oktoberfest sausage on a bun with onions for lunch!
They had all the Christmas greenery there so we picked up two wreaths and some window boxes that were far cheaper than any we could get in our town.

These pics were taken out of the car window as we were moving so they're not that sharp but I'm surprised at the quality.
Labels: gas fireplaces, Mennonites, St. Jacob's
Those fires look REAL!!
Are Memmonites the Amish? I like the sound of the farmers market.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
wish I were coming for dinner! The pics are lovely - we had a bit f snow but nothing as beautiful as this
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Mennonite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Mennonites are a group of Christian Anabaptist denominations named after Menno Simons (1496-1561),
The Amish are a later offshoot of this group and many were of Dutch origin.
Yep, these fires are really neat!
Pauline: Thanks. You would love this place, St.Jacob's!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Lucky. Sitting in front of the Firepalce - withy the one ----
Can it be better?
Compared where it's hot year around and ahve to listen to the AC?
We have a better life -- yeah`?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Toraa: yes, I suppose you're right. Can't wait till this fireplace is installed and I can curl up there with my cats! (Oh, and husband too!)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I miss sitting beside the fireplace since it is practically warm here in the Philippines. I can't wait to be back home in Norway and snuggle with Odd besides a warm fireplace
Sunday, November 25, 2007
That horse and buggy must be cold in the wintertime. I bet it's times like those that they wished they could drive cars.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Chase:Do you have gas or a wood fireplace? You guys just had your first snow I hear! We've had 2 here!
Grizz: It can be frigid, I imagine but many of their homes don't even have electricity, just like the pioneers. It's so interesting and amazing that their culture has remained unchanged.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Lovely pics! I am so envious of the fireplace, and the weather conducive to using it!
Monday, November 26, 2007
You will love your gas fireplace! Great pics, especially out of a moving car!
Monday, November 26, 2007
My ancestors were Mennonites back there somewhere, and I wish we still were sometimes.
I love it when you post a bunch of pics!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rapunzel: Thanks...well, you might not be so envious after 5 months of snow and cold we're about to have!
Barbara: Thanks! yes. I was amazed at some of the pics I have taken out of a car..I put my camera button on the "man running"!!
Gr: Hey, that's interesting. Are you of Dutch or German background? I think I'd like to simplify life to be a little more like them too.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How I would love a gas fireplace. My daughter has one and it is amazing the heat that it throws. It is -24C here today.. so any and all heat is appreciated. :-)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Coll: Now that's more like the Calgary weather I've heard about!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
That fireplace is gorgeous! What perfect timing with the snow and all.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What a quaint post...from the fireplace to the snow to the Mennonites. This is a cozy post (I hve no idea if you know what I mean).
Love the fireplace..and, in the MIDDLE of the room, at that.
Can't wait to see the room done- I bet you can't either.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Diana: Yes, it's a lot more expensive than a wall fireplace but we didn't have a wall that we could put one on! I sure hope it's worth it...I'll be using it every minute I can! My cats will be too, I imagine!
Gewells: Yes, I know what you was warm and fuzzy! I can't wait for it to be done because it's darn cold out there now which makes our house colder too.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hi MOI! I thought I'd left my comments here but... Lately, I've been having so much problem on this blog site that I'm wondering...
Great pictures...cold but picturesque.
Neat: a fireplace in the center of house makes good sense as heat radiates outward in all directions.
I found out that the old Japanese homes have a fireplace as center piece: cook and boil and have meals around it. Practical and brilliant way of conserving. Wonder if the homes smell though.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Twilite: Yes, it should heat this whole big room and be a cosy gathering place for cats and people!
I love wood fireplaces but it does smell up your house and clothes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Kiełbasa has multiple spellings, but we all know what you meant.
They are very nice roasted over a fire.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
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