Summer at The Cabins
Just came back and thought I'd post a bit about my vacation. It was just what I needed to gather some strength and peace in order to face my ordeal next week. (see last post) I love this place. One can be so in touch with nature and its creator. It is a great place to pray if you do that or just communicate your thankfulness for all your blessings to the universe while trying to absorb some of its energy.
We drive 6 hours to get to this point and then it takes 1 1/2 hours to drive 26 km on really rough logging roads. They were worse this year because of all the rain and there were ruts on both sides of the road to negotiate.
You can count on running into a few tress or logs across the road and we always bring a chainsaw.

The cook camp where we eat and actually have indoor facilities! PINK toilet and sink!! So we don't really rough it that much.

The sleep camp where we all have our own little beds.

Labels: Sheerway 2008
It looks like a perfect getaway. I'm glad you were able to get away for a time of quiet.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Looks like the perfect place to relax and take the air. :)
Nice to have you back.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yes! I think this was just what you needed prior to your ordeal next week. The place is idyllic. And I love the photos and that last shot is stunning and magical beyond words. If you do ever manage to bottle up the feeling of being there, please send some this way!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I'll trade you a fifth of Windsors for whatever you got there Ma!
Nice Pike. Snagged him fair and square, . He's in the boat right?
Heres to chillin' sister!
Canoe, Canoe?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
aw, those are the BEST pictures!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
MOI - tucking you in my prayer sleeve -
Take a copy of that last stunning picture with you and look at it often. You have such a beautiful heart - may it serve you well for a long long time...
Be well.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
wow, what a peaceful and poetic place - ideal for self-refection and refreshing.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
That seems to be the perfect place for relaxing and be close to the nature ! A pink toilet and such a lovely kitchen would suit me too, lol !
PS, since Lisa takes her "happy pill" it's better with her "watering" the furniture !
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hi MOI! I can imagine self enjoying the serenity of the walking?...relaxing...having a whale of time! Thanks for sharing your log cabin stay. Cheerio.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
That cabin area looks tickey to me! But I'm sure you're used to dealing with those little buddies.
Visited your last post last week but didn't leave anything because you were off to the lakes getting ticks.
With medical science what it is today, I have no doubts that they can deal with your circulation problem. I have an 85 yr old friend nearby who goes over to the Veterans Hospital about once a year for a new stent in some vessel or other. The guy keeps on keepin on with all those little expandable tubes innim.
Best to you; my thoughts are for you.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
You look the picture of health, despite your upcoming procedures. I'm sure this was the perfect way to spend the time while you wait for next week to come. Good for the mind, body, and soul!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
what a beautiful place for a vacation. I am sure it will give you a link to peace and serenity when you need it!
Take care, be well.
(considering you are your dad's daughter, I am more than sure you've got 20+ years ahead of you too!)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thankyou for visiting my Blog. I feel sure all will go well with your heart intervention. We're so lucky in this day and age that nasties can be attacked before they get the better of us!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Well you are! Having a great summer. The cabin almost looks like the house I live in! Be well.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Such a beautiful place.. I know what you mean about the peace that is found in such a place. And to be able to share it with your sisters and the man you love... perfect!
Friday, August 29, 2008
What a wonderful tour of a wonderful place. We used to go to a cabin in the woods every winter, BC (before kids) and are trying to recover the mojo required to get back there.
I moved over to Google Reader and spaced putting your site on there, so excuse my long absense - happy to be back!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hi Ruth: I'm soooo very happy for you and you know I said: nothing is better for curing stress and other challenges like times in surroundings like this. Like we have talked about before and how much this compares to cottage life in Norway, this is what charges batteries.
Thanks for sharing - I just love it!
Friday, August 29, 2008
I wish I've could have been there with you - not only because this is a lifestyle I love (you know) - but mainly because I there and then could express with more than my lack of English; the beauty and feeling of such a wonder.
btw. Thanks so much for your comments to my Friday post. I was really frightend. brrrr. Really. But now. it's seems the Sun shines again.
big hugs and thanks
Tor + Anna
your are important for me and Anna.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I could do with a bit of this myself...if you manage to bottle it, will you send me a bit? Oh, and while you're at it, I reckon just about everyone would have a taster if you want to start a business! :-)
Friday, September 05, 2008
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