Reno Update
I can't wait till this fire place is hooked up and we have another wicked snowstorm! (Mooky wants her place by the fire too!)
As you can see, Mooky approves! She can hardly wait to get a seat by the window!

A bathroom where the old porch was. I love all the bricks inside!

It's coming along!!

Drywall is all done and painters are coming soon to talk about colours. Oh Boy! We're also picking out the 9 pot lights for the ceiling and 5 light fixtures for the walls.
Labels: reno
Get that cat a tool belt, a Hard Hat and a Saw....
Happy New Year Mom!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Looks great! I think you're on the home stretch. You will really enjoy the new space in your house.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
What an exciting time. Can't wait to see the finished pictures. :0
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wow.. this is pretty exciting stuff. It is going to be just lovely. Lucky little Mooky. :-)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
fireplace = I'm so jealous
construction = I'm not so green with envy over this one
Happy New Year
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Mooky is the best inspector you could have - both for the New Fireplace and I suspect also for the Bathroom. Cats do not like puffs.
May we be invited to the Opening *giggles* - it looks so great
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Steve: I've wanted to for a long time! It'd be a great pic for the cat calendar!
Barbara:The Home Stretch seems to be taking longer than the initial digging! We still have to reno our part of the house and they haven't even broken through to the kitchen yet!
Akemalalu: ME Neither!
Coll: Yes, it's the biggest eno we've done to our house. My husband's ofice was a big addition at the front that took 10 months!
Maggie: Sounds like the voice of experience=memories of MESS!
Toraa: My cats are now wary of any weird or loud noises coming from the back of our place but they'll be sitting by the fireplace soon enough!! Don't know when the opening is! Could be another few months.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Looks exciting! Thanks for turning me on to some Wordless Wednesday folk. I've also discovered (this morning when things weren't so bogged down with my computer) there's a link at Technorati to WW bloggers. If you'd like the link I can send it in email but I don't think it will fit here.
Hugs and blessings,
Friday, January 04, 2008
First time by your post... All the best in your renovations!
Friday, January 04, 2008
It's going to look so nice once you've finished. Hope you post pictures.
Enjoy your weekend.
Friday, January 04, 2008
storyteller: We're pretty excited too! No problem! I don't even know what to do with those links anyway so don't worry about it. I'll just post my own pics whenever...I do the same with cats on Tuesdays...except sometimes it's not on Tues!! I have no idea about links!
dave: Thanks for the visit! Thanks for the best wishes...wish we could speed it up a tad!
bobbie: I certainly will! I think I could do a documentary!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I'm finally starting to catch up on all I've misseed. The renovation seems to be coming along beautifully! Can't wait to see the new paint and fixtures.
Happy New Year! May it be filled with health and really great things!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
MOI-man, a new fireplace, lucky you!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
That cat looks like a cat that knows just what she wants! Good luck with the rest of the renovations - very exciting!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I love your room and the bricks! The weather warmed up nicely after a couple of cool days. I don't believe anything was damaged by the cold, at least I haven't read about any in the papers or heard in the news.
Where are your parents in Florida?
Saturday, January 05, 2008
It looks very nice and with your cat inspector you got a lot of help, lol ! Why don't you participate on Cats on Tuesday with your Mookie ? We always have a lot of fun.
Today we celebrate Three Kings Day in Belgium, so come and have a slice of the "Galette" !
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I love the brick too.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
That is coming along nicely! Love all the windows and the fireplace. And I think bricks in the bathroom is an excellent idea. It won't be long now!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Diana: Thanks a lot, Diana! I'm getting excited now too since it's starting to look like something!
Gr: Yep! And lucky cats!
Absolute Vanilla: Yes, she sure does and she cries for it all the time just to make sure we know! Thanks!
Beverly: Thanks! I love that part too.
They're in Destin.
Gattina: Yes, my inspectors are very rigid! I don't understand how you do those links and I'd probably forget to do it so I just do it on my own.
Boblealia: It adds so much character! Hey, welcome back here, you busy gal!
Grizz: I hope you're right! Thanks! We've waited a long time to do this project.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Aww Mooky looks so cute and I can tell she is anxious to see a big warm fire in that lovely fireplace. MOI, your addition is really coming along and I can tell it's going to look great!!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Are you finding the renovations taking longer than expected? I know when I redid the home in Ottawa, it took much longer than expected (especially the bathroom).
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
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