Poetry Friday Word: JUICE!

Maggie is hosting this week for Mona and we all know what a juicy gal she is! I just had to offer you a choral chant I wrote for my Gr. 3 class a few years ago after we studied Dr. Seuss. The kids thought it was really cool and we performed it for the rest of the school in an assembly. Even the Gr. 8's told me they loved it! If there are any teachers or anyone at all who wants to use this, be my guest! Dr. Seuss would approve!
You had the juice!
Yes, we’re talkin’ Dr. Seuss!
You had that Cat from the Hat comin’ back,
You had Sam I am, eating Green Eggs and Ham,
You had Horton Hatchin’ That Egg!
You had us thinkin’ The Thinks We Think,
The ABC’s that really please,
You made Who-ville rock,
And that Fox in the Sock,
You got us reading for the very first time,
And all because of your catchy rhyme!
The nonsense you wrote was full of fun
And in no time at all, the book was done.
Some words were big,
Some words were small,
We loved them so much
We read them all!
You sure had the juice, Dr. Seuss!
Your real name?
Ted Geisel
And we’re all glad we knew you well!
Keep cool,
Keep loose,
Dr. Seuss!
Copyright 2005
Labels: Choral chants, Dr. Seuss, Poetry Friday
He was indeed cool, wasn't he. My first graders loved the rhymes and the silliness of his works.
Friday, January 18, 2008
That's brilliant! A wonderful tribute. I used to so love the Cat in the Hat books when I was a child :-)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dr. Seuss is still my favorite! How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Green Eggs and Ham, and Oh the Thinks We Can Think are my all time favs of his. This was a fun poem. I love the stuff you do for kids. I'd like to print this and share it with my babes if that's ok.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Brings back memories of some of my favorite children's books. I never tired of Dr. Seuss!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Our grandson Kai loves Dr. Seuss.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
beverly: yep, he had the juice!
absolute vanilla: Thanks! It was so neat to do with the kids so enthused!
Maggie: Thanks so much Maggie and I'd be happy for you to pass this on to more kids!
Barbara: He used the musicality of language to hook us all and get kids to listen and learn.
Akemalalu: I don't know one kid who doesn't....adults too!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hi MOI! Neat. Have a good weekend.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Oh THAT was fun! Thank you!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I just wanted to tell you that today I have a very special little video on my blog. It is absolutely hilarious and shows the demolition of several houses in Brussels. It happened last week. They did it so good, that the neighbor found himself with a toilet without wall.
I found it on a Belgian blog.
(on Writer Cramps)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
How cool that the whole poem takes on the shape of the cat in the hat! Was that intentional?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Twilite: Thanks! You too! Yours will be over before mine is! HA!
Irrelephant: Hey, glad you checked it out. Thanks!
Gattina: HA! I'll check it out!
Pauline: Actually not but I see it now! That has happened so often I can't tell you! I press the centre button (which I love!) and it takes shape. The totem pole poem did this almost eerily so I couldn't help but notice.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
What a brilliant contribution - your so good with words (not that it was a surprise!).
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead :-)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Dr. Seuss ROCKS! I'm gonna be chanting this in my head all day long!
Monday, January 21, 2008
I have always enjoyed Dr. Seuss! The Dr.s books were one of the few sets of books that I remember from "way back then!" ... Thanks for the reminder! :-)
Take care!
Monday, January 21, 2008
:-D Reckon your poem's up there with Dr Seuss's!! How much fun your classes must have with you!
I'm thinking of you often, and hoping all's well on the health front...and miss you too (though I know it's me that's hiding out...)
Glad to see you're as chipper as ever. I never got the video footage I wanted to do your vid, btw, but maybe I'll just do you another temporary one... you are welcome to replace as soon as you can :-) (just so's you can get it heard)
Love ya lots!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Renny: Ah, thanks, my long time fan! You have a great week too.
Mona: That's good! Thanks, Mona!
Dave:Thanks! I loved the rhyme and silliness. Glad I could bring some back for you!
Annelisa!!!! Thanks! So good to just see your name! Health is kind of good and holding right now!
I'd love for you to put my song up. Let me write a blurb about it and send it to you and also we have to put major thanks and Bill Candy's name on the credits right after mine. I'll be in touch. THANKS!!! I was just thinking about this!
Monday, January 21, 2008
I'm glad I found this. Dr Seuss rocks. I saw his sculpture in San Francisco. i knew he was talented but I had no idea how versatile he was.
Monday, January 21, 2008
To this day I still marvel and smile at Dr. Seuss.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Patches: Thanks! He is captivating and as a teacher, I know the kids just love him!
Coll: He is the first poet I ever remember and he got me into rhyme.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I think Dr. Seuss was brilliant and so is your poem MOI! His books are timeless treasures!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
even i love reading dr seuss's books. He is absolutely a genius I think.
Well done! Your poem just about captures his books perfectly :).
Thursday, January 31, 2008
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